
How to slow the progression of nephropathy syndrome

How to slow the progression of nephropathy syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome refers to kidney disease with a number of symptoms, including the large number of proteinuria, severe swelling, low blood proteins, and so on. If nephropathy syndrome can be well controlled, which may eventually become kidney failure.

So how slow the progression of nephrotic syndrome? Here are some suggestions provided by our doctor in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, or you can consult a doctor online, the advice is free.

1. Improve the immune system and prevent cold

For patients with nephrotic syndrome, you need to improve your immune system and prevent future infections or inflammations in the kidneys, this can protect your kidneys and prevent further damage to the kidneys. It is also necessary to avoid cold in everyday life, because cold can make easily get nephrotic syndrome relapsed.

2. Make a well-planed diet

Kidney friendly diet can help reduce the burden on the kidneys and protect the kidneys, so you need to make a well-planned diet. Since the condition of specific disease will be different from case to case, so you need to make a diet according to their own condition, and you can send your reports of recent evidence kidneycares@hotmail.com, we can help analyze and make a good diet for your case.

3. Take medical treatment

You need to take a medical treatment to control their symptoms and restore kidney function. The doctor will prescribe some medications to control their proteinuria or swelling, which can relieve your kidney burden. The most important treatment you should take a doctor for treatment recover renal function, which may slow its progression from the root.

Here we immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to you, and they can help regulate immunity and repair the damaged kidney tissues. After systemic treatment, the disease can be controlled from the root. For more details on the treatment for nephrotic syndrome, you can leave a message below.

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