
Is Dialysis the Only Option For Me With High Creatinine Level 5.5 in Lupus Nephritis

Hi, doctor, i am a lupus nephritis patient and recently my creatinine level increased to 5.5, except that i have no much symptoms. I think i just need to make a little changes in my diet, but my doctor said that i need to take dialysis. I want to know is dialysis a must choice for me?

Is dialysis the must choice for patient with creatinine 5.5?

However, dialysis is not the must choice for you. Because your disease is not so serious, your kidneys haven’t loss their functions totally. If you take dialysis that will lead your kidney function lost totally gradually, because this kind of treatment neither can protect your remaining kidney function nor repair the damaged ones, so as the time goes, your kidney function will lost totally.

Is there any other choice besides dialysis for lupus nephritis with creatinine 5.5?

China is famous for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and there are a lot of Chinese medical treatments which can be used to deal with kidney disease include of lupus nephritis. There is oral Chinese medicine which can invigorate blood vessels and dissolve blood stasis, and it also has the function of detoxification. The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a special therapy among our hospital, which can treat kidney disease from root. Some of damaged kidney cells will be repaired in this therapapy. If you can insist our therapy, the lupus nephritis will be cured.

Here i recommend you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay to you, it is an innovation of traditional Chinese Herb Medicine. It can help the patient improve their kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney tissues and protecting the residual ones from further damage. As your kidney function improved, your overall condition will get improved, then the symptoms, such as high creatinine level will disappeared with it together.

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