
Treatment For IgA Nephropathy with Periodic Edema in Legs and Weakness in Arms

Treatment For IgA Nephropathy with Periodic Edema in Legs and Weakness in Arms

A person is diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy and his urine collect showed total protein is 1388. He also suffers from periodic edema, weakness in arms, fatigue and flank pain. What is the treatment for his condition?

IgA Nephropathy is one kind of glomerulonephritis that occurs when IgA builds up in glomerular mesangial area and causes inflammatory reactions. When glomerular mechanical barrier and charge barrier are damaged, protein will leak from kidneys into urine. Therefore, you are found large protein leakage in urine.

When glomeruli can’t do their work normally, fluid and sodium retention occurs. Fluid retention along with protein leakage causes periodic edema easily. As for weakness in arms and fatigue, they may be due to build up of poisonous substances (toxins), anemia or side effects of some medications. After knowing the causes, the second step is to find out correct treatments.

In view of this, the permanent cure means the treatment can remove immune complexes directly rather than inhibit their activity. According to this requirement, patients are suggested to take some therapies to remove these immune complexes and improve patients’ overall health condition.

Since immune disorder is the root cause of IgA Nephropathy, patients can try Immunotherapy. This therapy consists of six steps. They are scientific diagnosis, immune tolerance, immune blockage, immune clearance, immune adjustment and immune protection. All of these steps have close internal relations. After getting a correct diagnosis, doctors will guide patients to accept right treatment plan.
According to the characteristics of IgA Nephropathy, Immunotherapy is done to remove immune complexes, rebuild kidney filtering structure, protect the remaining kidney functioning tissues and prevent the recurrence of this disease. Finally, patients don’t need to worry about the recurrence of this disease again and again. Of course, the whole treatment plan should depend on patients’ medical condition. If you are interested about this therapy, you are suggested to leave your symptoms, creatinine level, GFR level, and more illness description in the form below.

Besides medical therapy, eating correct foods and developing a healthy lifestyle are also necessary. To know more about Polluted Blood Therapy or IgA Nephropathy diet, you can fill in the below form. We are glad to give you some suggestions for free.

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