
Swelly Stomach Is Relieved Effectively by Chinese Medicine Treatment

you can see the obvious changes before and after our chinese medicine treatment on bloated belly. This boy feels better than before. he can play with his nurse and doctors. Now his face is full of smile.

We know kidneys can remove excess fluid from our body. however, when kidneys are damaged, they will fail to do this job properly. Then, excess fluid will accumulate in our body, causing swelling in face, hands, stomach, ankles and feet.

If you want to treat swelling effectively, you need to repair your kidney damage and improve your renal function. only in this way can swelling be treated from the root. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we use Chinese medicine treatments like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, medicated bath, foot bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Acupuncture and Medicinal Soup, etc to repair kidney damage and increase your renal function. These therapies have functions of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, inhibiting inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix and providing nutrients, etc. They can do great help in kidney function enhancement.

after half of month treatment, swelling belly is treated radically and effectively. This boy is happy now.
About more detailed information, you can consult our online doctor or send an email to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. we will reply you as soon as possible. 

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