
Diet and Medical Treatment For Kidney Shrinkage

What is the treatment for kidney shrinkage? The treatment includes diet and medical treatment. Please read the following article to see the detailed information.

The therapy for shrinking kidneys targets boosting the damaged kidneys and preventing further renal sclerosis. Kinesiology treatment with a lot of nutritive substances and materials resist renal inflammation, accelerate blood and nutrient supplement, and detoxicate the kidneys, thus raising the improvement of damaged kidneys and stops further shrinking on the kidneys. Kinesiology treatment methods are included into natural treatment plans, on the list of ancient treatment solutions on this planet but now is included and studied under medicine science.

First is diet management.

Since kidney shrinkage is a bit more more likely to indicate kidneys cannot work correctly, nutrition is needed to slow up the burden on kidneys. Therefore, we hand out several general dietary suggestions.

– Enjoy a low-sodium diet
– Adhere to a low-protein diet with high-quality protein
– Add omega-3 fatty acid in your diet
– Consume proper amount of potassium and phosphorus
– Avoid purine-containing foods
– Drink correct quantity water

Second is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. 

The conventional treatments are only to help control patients’ symptoms and slow down the progression of kidney atrophy. Therefore, most patients eventually have Kidney Failure. If patients want to repair their damaged nephrons and make their kidney fresh and alive, we prefer to recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy or Hot Compress Therapy. These treatments are suitable for different patients.

Through increasing the blood flow into kidneys and improving the self-curative ability of damaged kidney cells, these treatments can help treat shrinking kidneys fundamentally. Besides, they can strengthen Qi, one energy in our body, so patients can have strong immunity and stable internal environment to fight against any disease. If you want to learn more about these treatments, you can leave your question in the below form. We are glad to share them with you.

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