
Is It Good For High Creatinine Level Patients To Eat Eggs

Our diet affect our serum creatinine level, so for people who have elevated creatinine level in blood, changing their diet is helpful for preventing higher creatinine level.Well then, is egg good or bad for lowering creatinine in the patients?


Creatine or creatine phosphate is stored within the muscles of the body in small quantities. Adenosine triphosphate -- ATP -- is converted by the muscles into energy. This creates the molecule adenosine diphosphate -- ADP . In order for there to be a constant supply of energy the creatine phosphate stores must be broken down to provide phosphate to the ADP molecule which, in turn, forms ATP and the whole process begins again.


It's been established that eggs contain about 6 grams of protein. One of the roles of protein is the repair and maintenance of all tissues of the body. Eggs only provide about 1 gram of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are broken down by the body into glucose which is further converted into ATP for energy. Many of the vitamins and minerals in eggs assist in numerous metabolic functions. Egg are also a source of cholesterol. Cholesterol is a lipid -- fat -- that is an essential component of every cell in the body.

Now we can know that people with high creatinine level can eat eggs. But compared with egg yolk, kidney disease patients are advised to eat egg white. Egg white is almost pure protein, and is widely considered to be the most bioavailable and digestible source of protein. What is more, the white of egg offers a fat and cholesterol-free dietary alternative.

Egg white is recommended for kidney disease patients, as egg white is high quality protein food. We know the waste product of protein is urea nitrogen and eating too much protein will increase kidney burden, which can thus cause further increase of serum creatinine level and BUN level.Therefore, when it comes to protein and kidney disease, egg white is usually recommended.

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