
Is It ok for Kidney Failure Patients To Eat Oranges

When kidneys fail they can no longer remove excess potassium, so the level builds up in the body. High potassium in the blood is called hyperkalemia, which may occur in people with advanced stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Some of the effects of high potassium are nausea, weakness, numbness and slow pulse.

Besides a variety of vitamins, orange also contain rich potassium. This is the reason why it confuses kidney disease patients.

Potassium comes from the foods we eat every day. Healthy kidneys remove excess potassium in the urine to help maintain normal levels in the blood. High potassium is a common problem in kidney disease patients, especially for these who are in advanced stage. This is because when kidneys are diseased, the excessive potassium will build up in the blood. High potassium levels called hyperkalemia, which can be dangerous. It may cause weakness, heart failure, sudden death, nausea, slow pulse, numbness, irregular heartbeat etc.

If your potassium is high, you are not suggested to consume orange for its high potassium. Besides, other fruits, such as Mango, banana, avocado, cantaloupe, grapefruit, guava, kiwi, melon, papaya, are not good choices.

Enhanced myocardial excitability and arrhythmia become the result of low potassium. Premature atrial contraction or ventricular fibrillation also develops consequently. Other symptoms include impotence, flaccid paralysis, vomiting, nausea, abdominal distension, dysphoria, dull appearance or drowsiness etc.
Reduced myocardial excitability is the result of hyperkalemia. Muscle weakness, numbness or cardiac arrest etc.

If one has kidney problem, simply restricting the consumption of oranges is not right. Someone, though, has Chronic Kidney Disease can still eat the fruit but others can’t. How to tell the difference? Ask the patients to check of serum electrolyte levels in order to see whether potassium level is high or normal. If one has CKD but with normal potassium level, then oranges can be consumed but try not to eat too much at a time; if the patient’s kalium level exceeds norm, then he or she definitely shouldn’t eat any oranges no matter what. Please try to remember that just for your own sake.

Therefore, I can tell you one thing that without knowing lab report of kalium levels, even the doctor should not give patients with Chronic Kidney Disease any suggestion. Otherwise, it can be regarded as uncommitted.

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