
Kidney-Friendly Diet For High Creatinine Level Patients

We all know a proper diet is very important for a high creatinine patient. it can delay or slow down the progression of kidney disease. Well then, what is a kidney-friendly diet for high creatinine patients?

1.Limit salt intake.

Normally,when patients are within the renal insufficiency compensatory or azotemia period,some minor clinical symptoms are occurring. But as a result of the pathological moderate injury,patients might be offered a small salt intake or no salt-free diet depending on the disease condition.

2.The consumption of Vitamin

The patients rich in creatinine can make the food containing more Vitamin A,Vitamin B2,Ascorbic acid.

3. The high quality protein intake

When patients lived with the renal insufficiency,the consumption of protein needs to be limited. A superior quality protein is best for patients with this stage. Like the lean meat,fish,milk and many others. Besides, soy food are restricted to enjoy.

Although a diet is beneficial to a high creatinine patient, it is not enough. The radical treatment for high creatinine level should repair kidney damage and improve renal function. In our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital suggests Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is natural and efficient. It’s based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine, but it is externally used. The effective herbal ingredients is going to be permeated into kidney lesions by an osmosis device. The ingredients can repair the damaged kidney cells and restore the initial kidney structure and improve kidney function. When the kidney function is improved, the additional creatinine is going to be discharged naturally.

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