
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external application based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been established in ancient China, which has developed for more than 5.000 years. TCM practitioners use natural herbs, medicated bath, acupuncture and other natural ways to treat illness conditions, including the kidney disorder.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which could treat kidney failure from the root. It combines traditional Chinese medicine and western technology and equipment.

After many years of exploration, Kidney disease hospital finally has worked out Micro-Chinese medicine osmotic therapy.

Micro-Chinese medicine technology micronizes the Chinese medicine molecules of micron-sized diameter into one thousandths smaller granules by using powerful ultrasonic cavitations. And then make the effective ingredients of the Chinese medicine overflow fully; therefore it can improve traditional Chinese medicine penetrability so that it can infiltrate into nidus rapidly and change the valence bond structure.

Moreover, after the medicine penetrability is improved, ingredients will not roam to other organs by crossing the kidney. One characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine is certain medicine come into certain meridians. The medicine enters into the renal channel will not wonder, which is the foundation of the traditional Chinese medicine.

Without the micro process of the traditional Chinese medicine, many effective medicine ingredients are devoured by the phagocyte due to the big medicine particle. While the micronized medicine cheat the phagocyte and enter the kidney.
The active ingredients of Micro- Chinese medicine can smoothly enter the human body and achieve nidus by using various channels. At present, micro penetration is mainly through the following channels into the renal nidus.

By means of permeability and selective targeted function, it can directly arrive at nidus through the renal skin of waist back under the influence of micro osmotic instrument.

Entering the blood through the waist back or digestive tract with the blood circulation targeted for the renal nidus.

Through the back meridian system, the medicine can be targeted into the inner human body and positioned nidus.

Micro osmotic therapy made a breakthrough for the medical profession. Currently, it is an original treatment for the kidney disease and uraemia, and it explores a new way of thinking for the treatment of other chronic complicated disease.

Micro osmotic therapy has a direct influence on the renal nidus ----the efficacy will be seen immediately

Micro-Chinese osmotic therapy made the local capillary dilated and the circulation of the blood more quickly by means of the osmotic instruments. It makes the medicine ions with high permeability selectively target the kidney and arrive at kidney lesions directly in one minute. Micro-Chinese medicine has high local concentration, high bioavailability and strong osmotic force and avidity, so it can quickly improve the pathological state of the kidney, promote the remedy of damaged nephrons, and achieve the effect of regulating immune function bilaterally with the combination of internal and external therapy.

The function of micro- Chinese medicine is unique and will not be affected by digestive tract. The effect is 50~60 times of simply oral medicine and the treatment effect is strong and fast as well as the medicine playing lasting effect.

Micro osmotic has remarkable characteristics which is ‘four strong and two short’

The efficacy of the medicine is enhanced. Due to the micronized medicine, the efficient ingredient will be overflowed and the penetrability of the medicine will be improved. Therefore the ingredient of the medicine will not roam to other organs so the so medicine effect will not be wasted and the amount of medicine that enters the kidney will be highly increased, which is beneficial to fast permeating. Use the same amount of medicine, but the effect will be multiplied, which is the reason for high efficacy.

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