
Acute nephritis can not eat what food

This paper introduction: diet on disease nursing is very important, reasonable diet can help disease rehabilitation, acute nephritis diet should pay attention to what?

1. Water restrictions acute nephritis oliguria, edema of the eyelids, generalized edema and hypertension, which is the performance of water metabolism disorders dietotherapy, therefore limit the quantity of the liquid intake to eliminate swelling, alleviate the pressure on the heart is important, the amount of liquid should be as swelling degree and urine output and, acute general to 500 ml limited then urine volume and increase the amount of water.

2. Restriction of salt edema and blood volume and salt relation greatly, for every 1 gram of salt can bring about 110 ml water, nephritis such as eating too much salt, micturition function damaged. Often the edema aggravated, increasing blood volume, resulting in heart failure. So it is necessary to limit salt and low salt diet.

3 limit the high content of the kidney in order to reduce the burden on the kidney, should limit the food to stimulate the kidney cells, such as spinach, celery, radish, beans and other products.

4 do not use strong strong flavor seasoning crystal have a stimulating effect on the kidney, this kind of condiment with pepper, mustard, pepper, curry Monosodium glutamate should also be less use, such as multi use MSG will cause thirst and desire.

5. Avoid containing nitrogen extract nephritis patients due to kidney function not good, nitrogen excretion is not timely completion, n as one of metabolic wastes, in reduced renal function should be to reduce nitrogen free extract of intake, this kind of material is that people often think that supplements the chicken soup, fish soup, broth, duck soup etc..

6. Limit protein intake amount depending on the renal function and, if the patient appeared oliguria, edema, hypertension, and retention of nitrogenous substance, daily protein quality reduction to 20-40 grams / (endogenous nitrogen metabolism), to lessen kidney burden, avoid non protein N accumulation in the body. But this low protein diet can not be long-term consumption, up to 10 ~ 7 days, due to the long-term application of low nutritional value of the diet is not only on the diet of the brain cortex of the excitement and inhibition. And also affect the endocrine metabolism and the body's inherent protein consumption. If the normal blood urea and creatinine clearance rate close to normal, the supply of protein by 1 g / kg body weight per day.

7 bean curd acute nephritis patients should not eat too much. Acute nephritis should limit protein intake, so as to avoid the protein metabolism in the body. Urea, uric acid, creatinine excretion difficulties, accumulation. Tofu is a high protein, it should not eat more.

8 liver acute nephritis patients do not eat too much huan. Protein in the in vivo metabolism can produce some nitrogenous waste, such as urea, creatinine, through the kidneys are excreted in the urine, to reduce the amount of urine of acute nephritis, non protein nitrogen excretion difficult, easily lead to non protein nitrogen retention, uremia, this product is a high protein food, so acute nephritis patients should not be too much food.

9 patients with acute nephritis should not be eating fish, acute nephritis should limit protein intake. Because fat and carbohydrate metabolism of the waste is mainly water and carbon dioxide, generally do not increase the burden on the kidneys, protein in the metabolism of the body will produce some known as non protein nitrogen waste, most of these wastes are excreted in the urine, urine volume decreased in. The excretion of these wastes to affected. Non protein nitrogen retention in the body too much, can occur in uremia.

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