
Chronic kidney disease can live how long

Glomerulonephritis, referred to as chronic glomerulonephritis proteinuria, hematuria, hypertension, edema of the basic clinical manifestations.Had a different degree of kidney function decline, will eventually develop into a set of glomerular disease in chronic renal failure.
Kidney Disease

Active treatment, control the condition is the right treatment in the face of nephrotic syndrome.For now, a lot of the hospital, especially general hospital, in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome compared to hormones, look from the latest pathology, nephrotic syndrome is a group of the inflammatory response under the action of renal inherent cells damaged lead to a series of clinical syndrome, conventional hormone for the treatment of the disease can only have the effect of anti-inflammation, control the inflammatory response in a short time to live, to prevent renal inherent cells continue to damage, patients with hormone sensitive implementation in several days or a month of urine protein.But this state of good once the hormone use up, will be destroyed, or when the susceptible factors, under the condition of illness and repeatedly, is take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure method.

Glomerulonephritis timely to choose the right way so as not to delay the disease treatment, can choose the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of glomerulonephritis, Chinese medicine treatment recommended "Chen nephritis party" USES the pure natural precious medicinal materials better accomplish tomifying qi and blood, removing the effect of liver and kidney, water dry wet, can effectively eliminate edema, reduce blood pressure, promote normal urine, and can restore kidney function, improve the body's immune ability, to treat chronic glomerulonephritis. 

The nursing of glomerulonephritis 1. Mix In daily work, whether it's physical and mental work, don't fatigue, nephritis patients should be strengthened to rest, otherwise you will increase metabolism is abnormal, will also increase the burden of kidney function, so that damage to the kidneys.2. Pay attention to the emotion regulation of chronic nephritis patients must develop the confidence to fight disease, for chronic nephritis was slowly stretch, so keep treatment of determination and confidence;Grumpy, nervous can cause liver damage, affect the secretion system disorder, chaos and direct damage to kidney function. 

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