
High blood pressure, kidney disease patients eat what fruit?

In this paper, takeaway: high blood pressure, kidney disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease how to treat?High blood pressure, kidney disease patients diet should pay attention to what?How to choose eat fruits?Learn about the together.
After suffering from high blood pressure, kidney disease, is to have cultured on the selection of fruit, fruit and vegetables this kind of high-fiber food is a good choice, but some fatty fruits also need careful, including durian, coconut, avocado, etc.The fruits and butter, lard, with large amounts of saturated fatty acids can increase total cholesterol in the blood and the content of "bad cholesterol," and lead to vascular embolization.Calculate the fat content will be found that the three kinds of fruit insanely high oil content.
Durian: five grams of fat per one hundred grams contains, equivalent to eating a teaspoon of cooking oil.
Coconut: computing, with a large area of a centimeter thick coconut flesh contains about 15 grams of fat.However, drinking coconut water is another matter.Every two hundred and forty ml coconut water does not contain the cholesterol, only half a gram of fat.Just sugar on the high side, diabetic patients had better drink less.
Avocado: every one hundred grams (about half) including 15 grams of fat, also is surprisingly high.
In addition, the fruit of water soluble fiber helps to remove the body of bad cholesterol.Therefore, high-fiber fruits such as orange, apple, pear, etc., can eat more.
Daily diet, high blood pressure, kidney disease patients must control of sodium intake, sodium and potassium is with the balance of trace elements, eat more foods high potassium can help the excretion of sodium.Because food vegetables are high in potassium, is generally recommended to high blood pressure patients to eat more vegetables to control the disease.

K content more vegetables, broccoli, spinach, needle mushroom, black fungus, mushrooms, etc.
K content more fruits: including bananas, kiwi fruit, guava, dried fruit, apricots, durian, longan, coconut and so on, but the fruit heat is too high, should not eat more.
Through the above content, you should now be clear, I believe you know that after the visit of high blood pressure, kidney disease or high blood pressure patients, how to choose the fruit.We should pay attention to diet, learn to choose to suit your own fruit, was also helps to regulate body.

MORE INFORMATION:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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