
Kidney failure patients can eat food

Patients with renal failure diet
A lot of people because the treatment of renal failure is a long-term process, and, in general, treatment is not easy and pleasant, sick after only the timely and effective treatment is most of us should take to be scared of, everyone for renal failure of commonsense knowledge to increase understanding.

In the treatment of renal failure, which is a good method of clinical treatment is more effective, it can start treatment from three aspects, the first is to promote blood circulation, improve the blood supply of the kidney. To remove the ischemia and hypoxia, and achieve the purpose of correcting the kidney. Increase the effective perfusion of the kidney, reduce the glomerular pressure, but also reduce the glomerular filtration rate, delay and control the process of the hardening of the kidney. Peripheral blood vessels after the expansion of the body also increased the total effective blood circulation, relieve the symptoms of poisoning, so the patient appetite, nausea and vomiting symptoms disappeared.

Secondly, it is the removal of the lesion. On the one hand, it can clear the way for the repair process, and can improve the permeability, increase the filtration rate, increase the detoxification, clear the body of toxins. Creatinine began to decline, urine also began to cloudy. The last is the new, this is the ultimate goal.

1 kidney failure and banana

Banana in the more sodium, such as eating a large number of bananas, and sodium salt as the same, so that the patient's blood in the cement to stay, so swollen, increased kidney burden, increase the severity of the disease.

2 kidney failure and egg

Egg protein is easy to form uric acid. In the time, easy to make the final product of nitrogen accumulated in the body, increase the negative torque of the kidney. So kidney failure patients should be fasting eggs.

3 renal failure and plant protein

Renal failure thinking daily loss of a large number of protein, must give additional. But vegetable protein small contains a lot of fat Yin alkali, can aggravate the burden of kidney metabolism. It should not be used products as a nutritional supplement. Such foods are soybeans, mung beans, beans, soy milk, tofu, beans, etc..

4 kidney failure and high fat food

Patients with renal failure should be forbidden to eat high fat food, which is because of the high fat diet of kidney failure, which can easily lead to atherosclerosis. In general, kidney failure patients should eat low fat, light food.

5 renal failure and high potassium diet

The function of patients with chronic renal failure caused by the efflux of potassium have been obstacles, it is prone to hyperkalemia, so patients with renal failure on the bucket and the like high potassium food avoid edible.

For different types of patients with renal failure and on special points need to pay attention to the diet also has a difference. People should eat something likely is the patient touch can touch the, visible on these issues to professional groups were asked how important a part of the, family members should try to avoid patients should stay away from food.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/chronic-kidney-failure-diet/

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