
Prevention of renal stone disease

More trouble with friends, during the course of the disease makes a patient very distressed, in order to bring very serious harm patients. We want to pay attention to the kidney, especially the need for the prevention of kidney stones in life can be, then we introduce the prevention of kidney stones do what? And get to know them.

A large number of drinking water, drinking water is very effective in preventing the recurrence of urinary calculi. The water can be increased urine volume (should be kept daily urine volume in 2000 to 3000m1) and significantly reduce the composition of urinary calculi, especially calcium oxalate saturation. According to statistics, an increase of 50% of the urine can make the incidence of urolithiasis decreased by 86%. Postprandial 3H is the peak of excretion, but also to maintain adequate urine volume. Before drinking, the nocturnal urine relative density (specific gravity) of less than 1.015. Drinking more water can produce a certain pressure in the proximal urinary tract, prompting small stones to be discharged; dilution of the waste and some substances associated with the formation of stones (e.g., th protein). But some people believe that a large number of drinking water at the same time also dilute the concentration of the inhibitor in the urine, to prevent the formation of stones.

Effect of actually in urinary stone formation and urine saturated occupies a very important position; in contrast, drinking lots of water on the inhibitor concentration was reduced to a much smaller. Itoh and other think green tea can prevent the formation of calcium oxalate stone. Green tea contains 13% of catechins (catechin), it has antioxidant effect, can reduce oxalate excretion and calcium oxalate precipitation formation. Green tea treatment can increase the activity of superoxide dismutase (dismutase superoxide, SOD). Stone patients should be according to the limitation of caloric need extra nutrition, maintain a daily protein intake to 75 ~ 90 g, in order to maintain the energy balance, reduce the risk of occurrence of urolithiasis. For a family of patients with high uric acid or some patients, should limit the amount of protein intake for 1g/kg weight. Control the intake of refined sugar. Not eat spinach, animal offal and other foods.

Magnetized water has a certain anti stone effect, the general water through a magnetic field strength of a large magnetic field, that is, to become magnetized water. In 1973, it was discovered that the stone was placed in a container filled with magnetized water and dissolved in a container. Through the research, it is found that the water after magnetization, the charge of various ions in the water with will change, forming crystals tend to significantly reduce, of urolithiasis have preventive effects. Treatment of stone formation of the disease, such as primary hyperthyroidism, urinary tract obstruction, etc.. Drugs, can according to the abnormal metabolism of the body, and the appropriate number of oral drugs, such as thiazide drugs, don't allopurinol, orthophosphate,. In patients with recurrent calcium oxalate stones should avoid excessive intake of vitamin C.

Regular review, patients must be rechecked regularly in urinary calculi after discharge. This is mainly because: the vast majority of patients with stones, discharged stones, the factors causing the formation of stone has not been resolved, the stone may recur. II except at the time of surgery clear stone had been taken of the net, regardless of the method of gravel, the body may residual ranging from the size of the pieces of stone, the stone fragments may become stone recurrence in the core. Intake of large quantities of liquid, one day it is best to discharge about 1, 14 liters of urine. Control of calcium intake, avoid excessive intake of calcium, but not prohibited. Stomach often contain high amounts of calcium, if with calcium stones, the stomach when taking medicine should choose the less calcium content in the brand. Don't eat too much oxalate rich foods, including beans, beet, celery, chocolate, grape, green peppers, parsley, spinach, strawberry and tea. Taking magnesium and vitamin B6, can reduce the recurrence rate of 90%.

Eat foods rich in vitamin A can maintain the health of the urethral lining, but also help to avoid the recurrence of stones, this kind of food includes: carrots, broccoli, cantaloupe, watermelon, pumpkin, ox liver, but high doses of vitamin a toxic, before taking the best to consult a doctor. Keep alive, in order to avoid calcium deposition in the blood. Reduced protein intake, including meat, cheese, fish, and chicken. Reduce salt intake, eat a variety of high salt food. Limit the amount of vitamin C, especially in patients with calcium oxalate stone. Do not take too much vitamin D. If you have a patient, and then feel any strong pain or urine with blood, please see a doctor. Patients should be aware of the type of stone.

After you understand the above contents should be realized to prevent kidney stones what the, kidney stones is very serious, many people appear symptoms of kidney stones and thus bring patients a lot of trouble, we must be knowledge of kidney stones, should know more about some of the disease prevention measures.

Related recommendation:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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