
There is good treatment method for renal edema

renal edema
There is good treatment method for renal edema! Many kinds of diseases can cause edema, the general will first find the cause of edema, have the right to symptomatic treatment. For the cause of edema, there are a variety of methods, can be the patient's condition and their own situation, targeted to choose. Here's what the kidney expert says!

Is there any good treatment method for the edema of the kidney disease? The treatment of edema of the kidney disease mainly includes three methods of eliminating edema, osmotic diuretic and improving plasma colloid osmotic pressure. For nephrotic edema is the main loop diuretics including furosemide, bumetanide and drag Sammy. Application of this drug, pay attention to prevent the occurrence of the low sodium hyperlipidemia, and low chlorine hyperlipidemia alkali poisoning. Through a transient increase in plasma colloid osmotic pressure, the tissue can be absorbed into the blood back into the blood, in addition, they pass through the glomerular filtration, resulting in a high permeability of the kidney tubules, reducing the weight of sodium absorption and diuretic.

Usually with low molecular dextran or 706 plasma substitute intravenous drip, once every other day followed by use of loop diuretics can enhance the diuretic effect. But for the daily urinary volume of less than 400ml, should be used with caution, can be induced by osmotic nephrosis, leading to acute renal failure. Plasma or plasma albumin and other intravenous infusion can increase the plasma colloid osmotic pressure, promote the organization of water absorption and diuretic, and then the effect of the diuretic effect will be better. Due to the input of the albumin will within 24 to 48 hours by urine discharge can be caused by glomerular filtration and tubular high metabolism caused by glomerular visceral layer of epithelial cells and renal tubular epithelial cell injury, promoting renal interstitial fibrosis. Should be strictly mastered to adapt to the whole, severe cases of low serum albumin, high degree of edema and the patient, in the case of the need to consider the use of diuretic.

There is good treatment method for renal edema! Above to introduce you to the treatment of renal edema, I believe you have a better understanding of the treatment of renal edema and understanding, hope that the above content can give you help. The treatment of edema in patients with renal disease should not be too fast too fast, so as to avoid the effective blood volume deficiency, so that the high viscosity of blood increased, leading to the occurrence of thrombosis and embolism. Wish you a speedy recovery! 

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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