
Vigilance weight loss and renal failure

Now not girls in order to pursue a slim, blind weight loss, a large number of long-term use of weight loss drugs, will lead to damage to the kidney, there have been women. Here to remind the majority of female friends, can not blindly use weight loss drugs, must be rational treatment.

Weight loss is always a woman's favorite topic, but also a number of women to maintain a perfect body and strive to strive for the goal. And now if asked the man woman evaluated standard of beauty face or body, many men will certainly answer is tall, so have a devil figure is woman's life tireless pursuit, which leads to weight loss drug everywhere.

According to reports, a 26 year old woman Wang Li (a pseudonym) in order to keep slim. For the second year in a row to take medicine reducing weight. Finally, due to the occurrence of mental confusion and other symptoms and was sent to the hospital. After examination, her renal function has been failure. Experts, a large number of long-term use of some weight-loss drugs will cause temporary or permanent damage to the kidney. This is because the current weight loss drug market is still not standardized, irregular diet pills of some toxic substances in the liver and kidney caused by the damage of glomerulus and renal tubule, leading to renal failure.

Through the introduction above, you should now be clear, experts remind the majority of female friends can not be blind to eat medicine reducing weight, beauty must also take care of health, can not be at the expense of the kidney is healthy with the price to achieve the purpose of weight loss. If because of taking drugs to lose weight and kidney problems, should be promptly to the formal, professional institutions for treatment. If kidney function is drug damage, kidney failure, it is not worth the candle.

More Information:http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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