
What are the prevention measures for the disease of kidney stone

the disease of kidney stone
Disease is the high incidence of a disease, after showing signs of kidney disease, will let kidney patients affected by certain, led to the health of their kidney harm, in life we need to prevent kidney stones, look down to find out what is kidney stone disease prevention measures.

Measures for the prevention of kidney stones:

1, the first is the water. Water is the source of life, but also the need for kidney filtration and some areas of kidney stones high is because the water is too hard, which contains too many heavy metals and minerals, resulting in body metabolism and utilization can lead to kidney stones, so that the water is very important, and now the drinking water source shortage, is serious pollution, so want to prevent kidney stones, it is best to use water purification equipment. And drink plenty of water. The amount of water to drink every day should be more than 1500 ml.

2, correct calcium. Stones are formed by calcium or calcium ingredients. So pay attention to calcium intake. If you eat too much, because the calcium is the 2 valence ions, migration is very strong, so, too much free calcium will be deposited in the kidneys, resulting in stones. Suggestions in calcium at the same time, the addition of magnesium, because magnesium not only can promote calcium absorption, as well as the commander effect can command calcium supplement to go to the place, not to run away, thus avoiding deposition in the kidney stones.

3, diet attention. To intake of food containing oxalic acid, about 60% of the stones in the kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones. So to limit the intake of oxalate rich foods, such as beans, beet, celery, chocolate, grape, green peppers, parsley, spinach, strawberry and cabbage, vegetables.

4, to reduce the intake of salt. The taste of food can not be too salty, because salt is a mineral in itself, if the intake of too much salt, the same will lead to kidney stones.

Nursing measures for kidney stones:

1, stone patients should be according to the limitation of caloric need extra nutrition, maintain a daily protein intake to 75 ~ 90 g, in order to maintain the energy balance, reduce the risk of occurrence of urolithiasis. For a family of patients with high uric acid or some patients, should limit the amount of protein intake for 1g/kg weight. Control the intake of refined sugar. Not eat spinach, animal offal and other foods.

2, magnetized water has a certain anti stone effect, the general water through a magnetic field strength of a large magnetic field, that is, to become magnetized water. In 1973, it was discovered that the stone was placed in a container filled with magnetized water and dissolved in a container. Through the research, it is found that the water after magnetization, the charge of various ions in the water with will change, forming crystals tend to significantly reduce, of urolithiasis have preventive effects.

3, treatment of diseases caused by stone formation, such as primary parathyroid function, urinary tract obstruction, etc..

4, drug, can according to the abnormal metabolism of the body, and the appropriate number of oral drugs, such as thiazide drugs, don't allopurinol, orthophosphate,. In patients with recurrent calcium oxalate stones should avoid excessive intake of vitamin C.

5, periodic review, patients must be rechecked regularly in urinary calculi after discharge. This is mainly because: the vast majority of patients with stones, discharged stones, the factors causing the formation of stone has not been resolved, the stone may recur. II except at the time of surgery clear stone had been taken of the net, regardless of the method of gravel, the body may residual ranging from the size of the pieces of stone, the stone fragments may become stone recurrence in the core.

Comprehensive understanding to the above knowledge, we have learned that the measures to prevent kidney stones is what, kidney stones patients suffer a particularly large number of, and also chairman of the time appear the symptom of pain in the waist, life friends is is supposed to prevent kidney stones, to stay away from the disease of kidney stones.

More Information: http://www.kidneytherapychina.org/

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