
Will Kidney Cyst Lead To High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure and kidney cyst are commonly seen in the elderly. Well, what are the connections? Are there some treatments to lower blood pressure in people with kidney cyst?

With age increased, the incidence of increasingly high, simple renal cysts usually have no symptoms, and only when the cyst compression caused by vascular occlusion or urinary tract obstruction may be a corresponding performance, it may have an impact on renal function. When the cyst than 5cm, appropriate treatment should be carried out, including the cyst fluid aspiration and injection sclerotherapy capsule or surgical treatment.

How to lower high blood pressure in kidney cyst patients?

▲ Limit the intake of salt strictly, stay away from salted products, processed foods, etc as much as possible. In general, the amount of salt can be controlled within 2-3g per day.

▲ Take some moderate exercises like walking, jogging, Tai Chi and so on. The time can be controlled within 20-30 minutes and the frequency 3-5 times a week.
▲ Take anti-hypertensive drugs as prescribed, mostly, drugs like ACE Inhibitors and ARBs can be good choices, because they can not help lower blood pressure but also protect kidney function.

▲ Chinese herbal medicine to shrink the cysts and improve kidney function. Here, a natural remedy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be such a good choice. Once renal function is improved, high blood pressure can be treated well.

Best Treatment For High Creatinine Level 5.9 and Urea 99

Do you know what is the best treatment for high creatinine level 5.9 and urea 99? To be honest, dialysis for kidney failure is no longer the only choice and not the best treatment in nowadays. Kidney failure patients can have other treatment for their disease now. Call for ONLINE DOCTOR.

Is there any treatments for kidney failure patients to control creatinine 5.0 and urea 99?

Besides traditional treatments-- dialysis and hormone drugs for kidney failure, there are some new and effective treatments for kidney failure patients to control their illness condition.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This a kind of effective treatment which uses the combination of Chinese medicine and advanced western equipment. As we all known that the best treatment for kidney failure is the combination of Chinese and western medicine. This treatment is the best result about that. It has great function to help kidney failure patients repair kidney damage and supplement necessary nutrition for kidneys to restore kidney function effectively.

Stem Cell Therapy

This is a brand new treatment in the world, which is widely used in all kinds of diseases. Use it to treat for kidney failure can help patients fix up damaged kidney tissue cells. Then stem cells will supplement red blood cells for kidneys to help them have power to work again. In other words it is also able to restore kidney function.

In addition, there are still have some other effective treatments for kidney failure patients to control creatinine 5.0 and urea 99 in China.

How To Reduce High Creatinine Level Naturally

How To Reduce High Creatinine Level Naturally? Creatinine is a chemical waste product of muscle metabolism that is eliminated through the kidneys. Persistently high levels of creatinine indicate that the kidneys may not be functioning properly.

The following are some natural remedies for high creatinine level.

1. Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle can help remove metabolic wastes and promote renal excretion due to its diuretic properties. Plus, it purifies the blood and improves immunity.

2. Dandelion Root

Dandelion root tea also works as a natural diuretic to flush out toxins and lower creatinine levels. It also helps improve kidney function and relieve edema or swelling due to water retention.

3. Cinnamon

Due to its diuretic properties, cinnamon is considered good for those suffering from high creatinine levels and kidney problems. It helps increase kidney output and promotes renal filtration ability. It also helps regulate blood sugar levels, thus preventing further renal damage.

4. Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine has been established for more than 5.000 years for medical use. Many herbs help repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function, which can help lower high creatinine level naturally.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is designed for Kidney Disease in particular, which is different with Chinese Herbal Medicine for it is an oral application. It takes effects faster thanTraditional Chinese Medicine and helps lower high creatinine naturally.

5. Healthy Living

- Avoid red meat and foods rich in flour and sugar as they are likely to meddle with kidney functions.

- Exercise regularly to burn off calories.

- Aloe Vera juice also enhances kidney functions. It helps to control blood sugar and blood pressure.

- Refrain from drinking too much alcohol.

- The use of ginseng is also beneficial in reducing creatine levels in the blood.

If you happen to be a person with High Creatinine Level, you are suggested to take a treatment plan based on your own conditions. Share your medical story with us and get the personal healthy guideline!


Swelling In Kidney Failure Can Be Relieved Effectively

Swelling is a common complication from kidney failure. It can make you weight gain. In order to treat swelling in kidney failure effectively, you need to improve own kidney function. In our hospital, after one week of Chinese medicine treatment, you can see obvious effect. Let’s see the following in detail.

What is swelling?

Swelling is caused by excess fluid trapped in your body's tissues. Although edema can affect any part of your body, it's most commonly noticed in your hands, arms, feet, ankles and legs. Swelling can be the result of medication, pregnancy or an underlying disease-often heart failure, kidney disease or cirrhosis of the liver.

How can kidney disease cause swelling?

Swelling is caused by small blood vessels in the body leaking fluid. The kidney's response to this occurrence is to retain water and sodium. When this happens the small blood vessels get a message from the brain that there is excess fluid in the body, which causes the blood vessels to release even more. The cycle begins and soon the fluid becomes trapped in the body tissue, which causes swelling.
When the edema is caused by protein levels in the urine, it is called nephrotic syndrome. This syndrome creates a reduction in albumin (urine proteins). The kidneys receive a message that the body's blood supply is lacking volume, which triggers an attempt to retain salt to build more volume. The result is excess fluid being stored in tissue which causes swelling.

How to treat swelling in kidney failure?

how to repair kidney damage and improve renal function? To achieve this function, you need to take Toxin-Removing Treatment which cleanses your blood first before treating kidney disease. Toxin-Removing Treatment includes a series of Chinese medicine therapies such as Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy, Enema Therapy, Circle Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. Chinese medicines can remove toxins from blood vessels and renal intrinsic cells as well. This can provide a good blood environment for recovering kidney function. In this way, swelling can disappear radically. Other symptoms like nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, muscle cramps and high blood pressure can all be managed effectively.

Do not be upset. There are many therapies for you. If your current treatment is not effective, you can have a try of Toxin-Removing Treatment. However, this therapy is only available in China so foreign patients need to come to China for treatment. Our contact information is chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com or you leave a message below. We will contact you directly.

Is Pineapple Juice Able To Lower Down High Creatinine Level

Can patients with high creatinine level drink pineapple juice? High creatinine level is an indicator of kidney damage. Then patients need to follow a strict diet. So is pineapple juice good for patients with high creatinine level?
Pineapple has many health benefits and it is generally good for patients with high creatinine.

Is pineapple okay for people with kidney disease?

Most of fruits should be avoided for people with Kidney Disease due to high levels of potassium in them, such as banana and oranges.However,pineapple is a great fruit choice for the kidney diet.

Pineapple fits a low potassium diet plan with 125 mg potassium for 1/2 cup frozen or canned, 2 rings or 3/4 fresh.If the patients can keep moderate consumption of this fruit, they will avoid the bad outcomes, such as irregular heartbeat and even heart failure.

Pineapple is also low in phosphorus, but high in vitamin C and fiber. These compounds supplement is beneficial for people with kidney disease.

It is fat-free, less than 1 gram of protein and 13 to 26 grams of carbohydrate depending on presence of added juice or syrup.

However,eating more foods low in potassium can make it into a high potassium food.So the patients with Kidney Disease should keep a moderated consumption of pineapple.
From the above, we can see that eating pineapple can help control part of your symptoms. But you had better talk with your doctor before adding it to your diet. If desired, please contact us.

What To Do for High Creatinine Level 600

What to do for high creatinine level 600? It is really a high level and timely treatment is necessary. Here we will introduce you how to decrease high creatinine level 600.

we can make a rough diagnosis according to the creatinine level. In general, doe patient with creatinine 6.8 their disease has progressed into stage 4 kidney disease, which is the advanced stage of kidney disease. For most of the patients who are in this stage, they will suffer many symptoms and complications, so in order to relieve their pains and improve their life quality, the doctor will recommend them to take dialysis. Even though, not all the patients need to take dialysis. If you have no much symptoms, you can choose another alternative treatment of dialysis, which is known as Toxin-Removing Treatment. With the help of this treatment, the kidney failure patient can improve their kidney function gradually, thus to get a chance to avoid dialysis.

Special Chinese Medicine Treatment

In most cases, dialysis causes many side effects so lots of patients reject it or want to stop it. Without dialysis, you must improve your own kidney function. Then, Chinese medicine treatments in our hospital are strongly recommended. This treatment is called Toxin-Removing Treatment which means blood is first cleansed before treating kidney disease. According to many years of clinical experience, we found if polluted blood can not be purified, the therapeutic effect will be bad because toxins in blood will affect kidney intrinsic cells. Thereby, the key point for kidney disease should first cleanse blood.

Toxin-Removing Treatment in our hospital includes a series of Chinese medicine treatments such as Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicinal Soup, Mai Kang Mixture and Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc. They can remove toxins in blood and kidney intrinsic cells. In this way, it can provide a good environment for recovering kidney function. When kidney function is improved, it can lower down high creatinine level 600 from the root. All medicines come from nature so you do not need to worry about its side effects.

Dialysis is one way but not the only treatment for high creatinine level 600 in kidney disease. Toxin-Removing Treatment can treat high creatinine level 600 radically. If you want to learn more information, you can leave a message below or send an email to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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