
Will Kidney Cyst Lead To High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure and kidney cyst are commonly seen in the elderly. Well, what are the connections? Are there some treatments to lower blood pressure in people with kidney cyst?

With age increased, the incidence of increasingly high, simple renal cysts usually have no symptoms, and only when the cyst compression caused by vascular occlusion or urinary tract obstruction may be a corresponding performance, it may have an impact on renal function. When the cyst than 5cm, appropriate treatment should be carried out, including the cyst fluid aspiration and injection sclerotherapy capsule or surgical treatment.

How to lower high blood pressure in kidney cyst patients?

▲ Limit the intake of salt strictly, stay away from salted products, processed foods, etc as much as possible. In general, the amount of salt can be controlled within 2-3g per day.

▲ Take some moderate exercises like walking, jogging, Tai Chi and so on. The time can be controlled within 20-30 minutes and the frequency 3-5 times a week.
▲ Take anti-hypertensive drugs as prescribed, mostly, drugs like ACE Inhibitors and ARBs can be good choices, because they can not help lower blood pressure but also protect kidney function.

▲ Chinese herbal medicine to shrink the cysts and improve kidney function. Here, a natural remedy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can be such a good choice. Once renal function is improved, high blood pressure can be treated well.

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