
Can ESRD with Creatinine 13 be Reversed

When you heard of the End Stage Renal Disease, you must be so sacred, because it is the most serious kidney disease. And the high creatinine level is one of the most obvious symptoms of the end stage renal disease. Without to say, the end stage renal disease patients with high creatinine level must want to reverse the serious condition.

The dialysis is regarded as a common treatment to deal with the end stage renal disease. But I am so sorry to tell you it can not reverse the end stage renal disease with high creatinine. The dialysis only can help kidney disease patients remove some harmful waste out of body, it has no use in improving the kidney function. In addition, it always can bring a lot of side effects to the patients which are so painful. So we can say the dialysis is not a suitable way to treat the end stage renal disease.

Since a fully dialysis is able to filter molecule wastes including creatinine, it indeed can help lower high creatinine and remit patients’ symptoms caused by elevated creatinine level. To most patients with kidney disease, it must be good news, but long term of dialysis easily causes other complications such as hypotension, heart failure, electrolyte and acid-base imbalance, and muscle cramps. Besides, high creatinine will relapse if these patients attempt to reduce the times of dialysis or stop dialysis.

Chinese medical treatments to reverse end stage renal disease with high creatinine

The Chinese medical treatments in our hospital is a hope for end stage renal disease patients with creatinine 13. You may never heard of the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is a so famous Chinese medical treatments in our hospital. There are various kinds of Chinese medical herbs in this therapy which can be made into micro powders and sent to the internal kidney parts. Then the Chinese medicine can deal with the damaged kidney cells and tissues directly. Some of the blocked blood vessels can be opened, immune system will be enhance, high creatinine will be declined, at last the end stage renal disease can be reversed.

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