
Can We Stop the Progression of Renal Failure

For kidney failure patients, they do not want to take kidney transplant, so that they do not want their illness condition have any progression. While now with effective and suitable treatment, they can slow down or even stop the progression of kidney failure. Can We Stop the Progression of Renal Failure?

◆ Arrange a scientific diet

For people with any kind of kidney disease, a healthy diet plays a big role in the whole treatment. Generally, a low-salt, low-fat, low-protein and high-vitamin diet is recommended for kidney failure patients. In addition, if patients’ blood tests show their potassium and phosphorus level is higher than the normal, low-potassium and low-phosphorus foods should also be added to their diet.

◆ Control high blood pressure, high blood sugar and proteinuria actively

High blood pressure and kidney damage interact. If blood pressure keeps in a high level consistently, it will worsen patients’ condition largely. As the modern lifestyle changes, diabetes has been the leading cause of Chronic Kidney Disease. Maintaining blood sugar in the normal level is the central to control diabetes and avoid further kidney damage. In addition, proteinuria is one another risk of worsening patients’ condition, so the patients should alleviate their protenuria actively.

◆ Chinese Medicine Treatments 

Conventional treatment for renal failure is using western medicines to control symptoms. But we know that is not enough for patients, because it is only temporarily medical relief. To have a good control, you should repair kidney damage and improve kidney function. We use Chinese medicine which are good at cleaning toxins in blood and repair damage on kidneys, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicated Full Bath, Steam Therapy and so on to set up a good blood environment for the damaged kidneys to heal themselves. After short-term treatment, those symptoms will be relieved. After long-term treatment, it is possible for them to stop its progression.

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