
How Does Blood Purification Treat Chronic Kidney Failure

In China, there is a new and advanced therapy for Chronic Kidney Failure called Blood Purification Therapy. It shows promising effect in renal failure. Now follow us to see the details.

When blood purification is mentioned, people often think of hemodialysis. As a matter of fact, apart from dialysis, some new blood purification techniques, such as hemofiltration, plasma exchange, immune adsorption and so on have emerged in recent years. Blood purification is a multidisciplinary boundary science, it can treat kidney diseases, blood diseases, rheumatism, immunological diseases, nervous system diseases and so on. The following information is about how blood purification treats Renal Failure.

Blood purification is one great breakthrough in kidney replacement therapy. Compared with dialysis, blood purification uses various methods that can remove not only small molecular waste substances, just as dialysis does, but also moderate and large molecular waste substances. Therefore, this therapy can protect remaining kidney function better and keep the internal environment stable.As introduced by doctors in our hospital, several methods are often used in blood purification, and they include:

At this time, Renal Failure patients are usually treated by dialysis, the most common one among the blood purification techniques. Dialysis can really help Renal Failure patients remove some kinds of wastes out of body and maintain their lives to some extent, which we can not and will not deny. However, dialysis can only eliminate creatinine, uric acid, blood urea nitrogen and other small molecules. There are many kinds of toxic substances in the blood, so dialysis has its limitations, other toxic substances which dialysis can not eliminate will keep staying in the blood and damaging the organs. In order to improve the treatment effect, we need other types of blood purification techniques.
From the information above, we can know that these types of blood purification techniques are more advanced and comprehensive than dialysis. If there are some of wastes and toxins we mentioned above in Renal Failure patients’ blood, there is no doubt that only dialysis can not treat the condition well.

Of course, before the blood purification techniques use, Renal Failure patients need to do a comprehensive checkup to detect what kinds of toxic substances stay in the blood, then we will choose the appropriate type of blood purification to eliminate corresponding substances, which can improve the treatment effect a lot.

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