
How Long Can Stage 5 Kidney Failure Patients Live without Dialysis

Stage 5 kidney failure has been considered as the end stage of renal disease which often requires patients to undergo dialysis to maintain your life. While, dialysis is not an easy thing to go through. Patients with dialysis often displayed symptoms of fatigue, headache, muscle cramping. Regrading on this, patients are wondering that how long can stage 5 kidney failure patients live without dialysis?

How long can patient live without dialysis?

The glomerular filtration rate of patients with end stage renal disease is less than 15ml/min, thereby, many wastes and toxins will accumulate in patients’ blood, which is harmful to patients’ health. If patients do not accept dialysis in this time, they may just live several months.

As a result, to make patients live longer, patients with end stage renal disease will need dialysis to help them remove the wastes and toxins out of their body. Dialysis is helpful for prolonging patients’ lifetime. Common patients who accept dialysis can live more than five years, while for patients who have better body condition and accept careful nursing, they can live much longer. It has been reported there are dialysis patients who live more than twenty years.

In fact, dialysis also have its shortcomings. On one hand, dialysis is expensive, once patients begin to accept dialysis, they will need to accept this therapy continuously, which will cost a lot of money. Besides, as their dialysis goes on, patients will have many complications, like cramps, hard breathing, pruritus, heart diseases, etc. These complications will become severer and severer, which is suffering for patients’ life. If patients quit dialysis in this time, they may just have several days to weeks to live.

How to improve this condition?

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, a natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is often provided for patients to repair kidney damage and recover kidney function. This is a external and safe therapy. More importantly, this treatment contains tremendous herbal medicines which have potential to repair kidney damage and recover kidney function. In addition to, the herbal medicines are refined into powder to improve its efficiency. Moreover, you need to lie down on the two medicated bags filled with medicated powder. By connecting osmotic machine and two medicated bags, the active substances in herbal medicines will come out and then penetrate inside kidney lesions directly. By repairing the diseased cells and tissues, the diseased kidney function can be recovered gradually.

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