
How To Stop Polycystic Kidney Enlargement

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a medical condition in which kidney cysts root in the kidneys. Over years, the kidney cysts enlargement will cause various symptoms and complications. Well then, what is the treatment for enlarged kidney cysts?

What Causes Polycystic Kidney Enlargement?

Firstly, we know that kidney cyst stems from blocks in renal tubules, which further develop into independent cyst. Lining cells in cyst wall secretes liquid, and then these cysts become bigger and bigger. These cysts are independent, but these cysts are covered by renal blood capillaries named as efferent arterioles.
If the cyst wall has very good permeability, cyst liquid can filtrate through cyst wall into efferent arterioles and then get out of kidney through blood circulation. This cyst liquid is original urine, and they can be further filtrated out into urine. And in treating PKD, the therapeutic mechanism is promoting blood circulation within kidney and enhancing the permeability of cyst wall. In addition, if these lining cells further secrete liquid, these cysts will further swell up. Another curative effect is to inactive these lining cells to prevent cyst's further swelling up.

Sincerely hope the above context helps providing you with an idea on PKD pathological mechanism and corresponding therapeutic mechanism.

Second, what is the treatment for polycystic kidney enlargement?

Consider about the reason why patients do not want to take dialysis that the experts in our hospital have invented some effective new treatments for PKD with the purpose of helping patients avoid or get rid of dialysis effectively.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of the most effective Chinese Medicine treatment for kidney disease. The function of it can repair the damage of immune system and kidneys. The medicine will also supplement necessary nutrition for kidneys to improve the kidney function and make the kidneys work again. Then dialysis can be avoid in huge degree.

In addition, the hospital also introduced advanced Stem Cell Therapy to have a good treat for PKD.

If you do not want to want to get more information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy, please leave us a message below or send us an email. our email is chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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