
Pain Management In Polycystic Kidney Disease

What is the treatment for pain in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)? Pain is a common complication in PKD. Here we will tell you how to treat pain in patients with PKD.


Many medicines work as pain killer. Although most doctors notes that chemical drugs are not the best choice for your PKD pain, the medicines are necessary in some emergency pains. The medicines include NSAIDs, such as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen; acetaminophen, anti-seizure medicines, steroid and aantidepressants. You are suggested to talk with your doctors to sure that the pain-killer medicine will not interfere with your medicines for PKD.


Massage also is natural therapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease pain. It helps relax muscles and sore tissues and ease chronic pain from deep tissue massage to more gentle techniques.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Compared with the surgery, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy seems to be more efficient and safer. This treatment is based on Chinese herbal medicines. Firstly, PKD patients don’t need to worry about the side effects, that is because all the Chinese herbal medicines come from the nature and there are no any chemical components. What is more, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied externally, with the help of osmosis devices, the active materials of Chinese herbal medicine can directly act on kidneys through permeating into skin, which can not only increase the efficiency of medicines also avoid the damage to gastrointestinal tract.

Then how can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy help shrink the cysts? Well, the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines can increase the permeability of cyst wall, decrease the activity of lining cells and change the inner and outer pressure difference of cyst wall, then the cyst fluid can be reabsorbed, finally be removed out of body with urine. Now Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has begun to attract more and more PKD patients from other countries, which brings new hopes for them.

The PKD pain can be treated well with the decrease in size of cysts, and the most important aspect is that the kidney function can be saved. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has its short-term efficacy and long-term efficacy, and it is necessary for PKD patients to know more about this treatment.

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