
Treatments for Renal Failure: Dialysis, TCM and Western Medicines

There are three common treatments for chronic kidney failure including dialysis, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and western medicines. Now let's have a look at how they treat renal failure.

1. Dialysis

Dialysis is probably needed when one’s kidneys fail. Tons of wastes, excess fluids and dangerous levels of electrolytes accumulate inside the body as a result of Renal Failure. Could dialysis improve one’s increasingly declined kidney function?

The answer is, obviously, negative. Dialysis works as an artificial kidney help remove metabolic products and wastes as well as toxins. Dialysis could lower creatinine in a really short time; meanwhile, it is able to prolong patients’ lives when Renal Failure attacks. However, kidney function declines slowly but firmly even with dialysis. It relieves one’s medical condition temporarily instead of permanently. To make things worse, urine output becomes less and less day by day, which is unacceptable by the patients with Renal Failure.

2. Treatment for renal failure other than dialysis

In renal failure,the kidneys are impaired seriously.To help the patients avoid dialysis,the patients should take treatment to restore the impaired kidney tissues and enhance renal function.

Chinese herbal medicine is an alternative treatment for renal failure other than dialysis.The herbs can help the patients retrieve the self-healing system in body to restore the impaired kidney structure.If your renal function can be enhanced, you will be able to avoid dialysis.

Those treatments are based on different concepts and adopt diverse approaches to deal with Renal Failure. TCM is short for traditional Chinese medicine, which plays on the idea that regulating Yin and Yang could help boost one’s immune system. It uses various herbal medicines.

Traditional Chinese medicine could promote blood circulation, relieve hyperfunction of glomeruli, repair glomerular basilar membrane, help excrete toxins and wastes, lower high blood pressure, improve the acidosis and reduce vomiting and nausea etc. symptoms. Additionally, active ingredients of TCM arrive at renal lesion and combine with immune complexes and pathogenic factors. After blood circulation is promoted, those harmful substances could be able to remove out from blood. However, due to certain Chinese medicines have nephrotoxicity, professional nephrologists should be asked beforehanded so as not to pose any further damages to your kidneys.

Traditional Chinese medicine and western medicines are good at different aspects, meaning the combos of both medicines could possibly boost the best possible outcomes.

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