
Best Option for Kidney Failure Patients with Serious Edema

Edema is regarded as an obvious symptom of kidney failure patients. In fact, the edema has a close relationship with the kidney function. So the kidney failure patients who want to get rid of the edema, they should improve the kidney function first. Next, I will tell you the best option for kidney failure patients with serious edema. You also can discuss this issue with our ONLINE DOCTOR.

Kidney failure is a common cause for swelling, as kidney is taking charge of regulating balance of fluid in the body. When kidney is affected and fail to work well, fluid we drink in the day time will not be able to discharge out of the body. As a result, fluid retention appears.

Best option for kidney failure patients with serious edema

Diuretics can be used to relieve edema caused by kidney failure.In medicine, there are different types of diuretics and kidney failure patients need to choose the right one, so as to avoid causing unnecessary health tissues. In general, kidney failure patients need to put their potassium level into account while choosing what kind of diuretics to use. Most of the diuretics have function to lowering potassium, so for patients whose potassium level in blood is lower than the reference value 3.6-5.2mmol/L, they can choose potassium-sparing diuretics which can help to reduce swelling and meanwhile preserve potassium in the body.

I want to introduce the Enema Therapy in our hospital to you. You must never heard of it which is traditional Chinese medical treatments in china. Before apply this therapy, we select some Chinese medical herbs which have the function of draining toxin and extra water. Then we boil them into medical soup, and out them in certain appliance, which can send the medicine into the intestine through anus. This therapy can help kidney failure patients open water channel, so that the extra water can be discharged out of body gradually. This therapy also can descend turbid qi for kidney failure patients then restore the function of spleen and stomach.

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