
How to Reduce Creatinine 7.3 in Kidney Disease

Kidneys are responsible for discharging excess creatinine in blood. When kidney function is affected for some reasons, creatinine will build up in blood, leading to high serum creatinine level. In general, the higher the creatinine level in blood is, the poorer the kidney condition will be.

Creatinine and urea are both waste product of protein. Creatinine 7.3 mean you are in stage 4 kidney disease.

Reference value of serum creatinine differs from country to country, but generally it is in the range of 0.5-1.3mg/dL. Creatinine 7.3 is much higher than the normal range, and it indicates kidneys have been damaged severely. You should limit the protein intake into 0.4 g/kg. Besides, in order to reduce protein metabolism, you should ensure calory intake.

How to reduce creatinine 7.3 in kidney disease?

Drink herbal tea or Green tea. Certain types of herbal tea are believed to help lower the amount of creatinine in your blood. Studies supporting this benefit are limited, but the theory has not been disproved, either.

For patients with kidney disease, dialysis or kidney transplant is recommended generally when creatinine level increases to about 5. For Diabetic Nephropathypatients, they may need to start dialysis earlier as persistent high blood sugar affects not only kidney, but also other systems like nerve system, eye and so on. For patients with creatinine 7.3, there is high concentration of toxin in their blood. These toxic substances may damage any part of their body, so removing these toxins out of the blood in time is very important. Otherwise, they will be in a very dangerous condition.

In medicine, dialysis is the most commonly used method for kidney failure patients with high creatinine level, it works fast and show obvious treatment effects in lowering creatinine level, but it can not repair kidney damage and restore kidney function. For patients with creatinine 7.3, they can try Immunotherapy if they still have urine output. This treatment lowers creatinine level by improving kidney condition. What is more, it causes no discomforts, so it is highly recommended for kidney disease patients with high creatinine level.

If you are interested in this treatment or want to reduce the high creatinine level in kidney disease, you can send email to us, we will try our best to help you.

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