
How to Treat Kidney Failure with Creatinine 6.5

Creatinine 6.5 in Kidney Failure means that there are too many toxins and wastes in the body, which also can induce more symptoms or complications like nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, fatigue and so on. Well then, how to treat renal failure patients with such a high creatinine level?

Dialysis is often recommended when you experience high creatinine level. However, dialysis often makes patients experience lots of adverse effects. What is more, dialysis is not the most fundamental way to help you live a better life. Patients with dialysis often displayed symptoms of headache, fatigue, anemia and muscle cramping. The reason that you experience high creatinine level is because that the diseased cells and tissues allow lots of wastes products and toxic substances build up in the body. Although dialysis can help patients clear away wastes products from blood, it reduces high creatinine level temporary. After dialysis, you still experience high creatinine level. Thereby, most of patients are asking that how do you reduce high creatinine level without dialysis.

Unique treatments

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and can repair the damaged kidney cells and improve renal function through enlarging blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation and degrading extracellular matrix. What’ more, the therapy is used externally and has no any side effects to the patients. As long as these functions can be achieved, then, renal function can be enhanced naturally, and elevated creatinine level also can be reduced fundamentally.

Blood Purification is an innovation and improvement of dialysis. So it is more effective than dialysis. It can eliminate wastes and toxins with high selectivity, presenting as reserving the useful substances and eliminating the harmful material. In the condition, high creatinine level in blood can be reduced effectively.

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