
How to Treat Swollen Belly for Kidney Failure Patients

how is swollen belly caused by kidney problem? Will kidney failure cause swollen belly? Some Kidney Failure patients feel swollen belly, which is a illness regarding kidney, so is it possible for patients to experience swollen belly?

How does kidney disease lead to swelling?

1.Fluid-sodium retention

As kidneys become damaged, they will not be able to filter excess fluid and sodium out of the blood. In this way, these substances become trapped in the body tissues, resulting in edema.

2.Loss of protein in urine

Kidneys are regarded as “blood-cleaners” of our body, on the one hand, wastes can be excreted out of the body. On the other hand, they can retain nutrients like protein. Due to decline of kidney function, proteins can leak into urine easily. When the plasma osmotic pressure become decreased, extra fluid will build up in the interstitial spaces.

How to treat swollen belly caused by kidney failure?

-Reduce dietary salt intake

To help alleviate swelling, the first step is to follow a low salt diet.


In addition to reduce the intake of sodium, doctors can also prescribe patients with diuretics to eliminate the excess fluid that accumulated within the body. However, drugs can not resolve this problem from the underlying cause.

-Chinese Medicines

In kidney failure, large amounts of fluid accumulate in abdomen as a result of impaired kidney function. In normal condition, excessive fluid are expelled out of our body as urine. This helps to explain why we urinate more when we drink lots of water. As for the treatment that can help to repair kidney damages and improve kidney function, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is worth mentioning. It is an innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and combines advanced medical device. In this herbal treatment, all the herbs are used externally and with the help of medical device, effective ingredients in herbs show obvious effects in improving kidney function.

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