
Is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Available in India

"Is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Available in India". This question is from our online doctor. So far we have no any branch in abroad for a variety of reasons. But we have been committed to create more chance to help more patients who are in pain from home to overseas. We hope you can make a wise choice to receive a better treatment to rescue your impaired kidneys.

In traditional western medicine,when the patients are diagnosed with Kidney Disease,the treatment modalities are limited.Many patients are told they can not be treated until their kidneys fail.When kidneys fail, Dialysis or Kidney Transplant will be the only treatment option.

Different from traditional western medicine,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims at restoring the impaired kidney tissues and reversing kidney damage.This therapy can help the patients avoid dialysis.

Can I get this therapy in India,America or other countries?

With a long history in China, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is becoming more and more popular all over the world for its superiority. Right Medicine, specific treatments and unique prescription will be used to control and relieve patient’s disease condition. These make fewer side effects to stop the worsening of renal function.

According to the detailed disease condition and unique pathologic conditions, experts will use particular medicines and treatments to solve the renal lesions. As a external application of TCM , Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy avoids unnecessary side affects and protects the remaining renal function as far as possible.

Unfortunately,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has not been available in other countries yet.But the good news is that you can bring medicine back to home for treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is based on traditional Chinese medicine and several types of Chinese herbal medicines are used in this therapy.The types of herbs vary with the patients’ specific illness condition.Therefore,before the therapy is performed,a through examination should be done to decide what herbs are appropriate to your condition.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external therapy which acts on kidney area.The medicines will penetrate into your kidney lesion with the help of penetrating fluid and osmosis machine through the meridian in kidney area.

During your treatment at home,the medical professional will provide guidelines.Also,they can help adjust your treatment based on your latest check result. Any time you have questions or problems, you call them. The will certainly give you a reply at the fist time.For more detailed information, you can talk with our medical professional directly.

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