
No Dialysis Treatment for Kidney Failure With Creatinine 600

“ I do not want to take dialysis for my disease” I think this sentence should be the most common words for patients who are facing dialysis. Is it necessary for them? Call for ONLINE DOCTOR.

Treatment for kidney failure, there have no effective treatment to cure it now. But have treatment to reduce creatinine 600. Dialysis is the most common treatment for patients. With it to eliminate toxins in blood will reduce creatinine in short time. But kidney function will be damaged in huge degree too. This can be showed on the side effects of anemia. Not have enough blood for kidneys then kidney function can not work well at the same time. So that for patients with kidney failure and creatinine 600, dialysis is not a good choice in some time. But can be used for emergency.

If you do not want dialysis treatment, you can have a try of Chinese medicine treatment which can repair your kidney damage and improve your renal function. In this way, high creatinine level will be reduced from the root.


Once a study done in six cases of severely diminished kidney function shows that nettles are helpful in lowering creatinine level. For this reason, kidney disease patients can drink some nettle teas to control their illness condition, but nettles are not recommended if they are on blood-thinning or high blood pressure medications.

Dandelion root

Dandelion root is often used as a diuretic in medicine. We know creatinine produced in our body is normally discharged with urine by the kidney. When kidney fails to work well, creatinine in the blood can not be removed, as a result of which, serum creatinine level increases. With dandelion root, much more urine will be produced and during this process, some creatinine are removed out of the body.


Chamomile is another herb that can help to lower creatinine level in blood and this result is gotten from a study published in the “Journal of Agriculture Food Chemicals”. In this study, decreased levels of creatinine appeared in those who are drinking chamomile tea, compared with these who just control their illness with oral medications. Also, consult doctors in advance if patients plan to take larger amounts.

Toxin-Removing Treatment for High Creatinine Level 600

This kind of treatment include a series of Chinese medicine treatment which have function to clean toxins in blood to help kidneys work. As long as no toxins that creatinine will be reduced. And is will get into kidneys to repair the damage on kidney tissue and then make kidneys recover kidney function with enough blood and nutrition from Chinese medicine. So that this kind of treatment is good for patients with kidney failure and high creatinine. What’ s more, it can be alternative treatment of dialysis for some patients.

Our email is chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com
Whatsapp or phone number is 008618330110929.

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