
Thank You For Treating My Children with Focal Hyperplastic IGA Nephropathy

The following is a thankful letter from a mother whose children suffer from focal hyperplastic IgA Nephropathy. After a long period of treatment in local hospital, they come to our hospital for treatment because there is no improvement in local hospital. In our hospital, they get a great improvement and write a letter to express their thanks.

Dear Doctors:

I am a young mother, my husband has a car maintenance alone, we have two smart and lovely children, the older one is 10 years old and the younger one is a 7 years girl. The life for us is really happy and without any consideration about the future. While December 15, 2009, my son repeated coughing, and all kinds of medicine can not stop it. I have found there is something different about his urine color-- it is not the normal goes yellow urine.

To be honest, at that moment, I am really worried about something bad will happen on us. I was anxious to check the children transferred to a local hospital, he was diagnosed with 'acute nephritis'. Due to he has gross hematuria, then the doctor have take a detailed test for my son. Pathological biopsy results are: focal hyperplasia of IGA nephropathy. That is the start of the treatment. The doctor give hormone treatment to my son, we had no choice for that, so have agreed. While after a period of treatment with hormone, there did not have any improvement about his disease and hematuria. Then I think I can not wait for that anymore. I should find other treatment for my son as soon as possible.

Through the internet that I found your hospital can treat for this kind of disease with the combination of Chinese medicine and Western medicine which do not have too much side effects on children and I have seen so many real cases which treated in your hospital. Then I decided to have try. The test in your hospital is really different, my son do not have to experience the pain and I can see the mainly treatment in your hospital is Chinese medicine. I know about it, so I am relaxed at the that time, because I do not have to worry about the side effects on my son.

Just a few days, my son’ s hematuria was disappear, I am so happy. I can feel that he was more stronger than before. That is the best thing for me to see about that. Now my son has totally recovered from the disease and go to school now. Thanks for all of you. Thanks for Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. I hope you can help more and more children and family in the world.

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