
Can We Find Some Solution For Kidney Pain From High Creatinine Level

Can we find some solutions for Kidney Pain due to High Creatinine? First, I have to say there do really have solutions for this kind of condition. Persistent high levels of creatinine in the blood can cause kidney pain. So how to deal with it now?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help lower high creatinine and ease kidney pains and other symptoms. What is more important, it can help gradually repair renal damages and improve renal functions so that further elevation of creatinine will be prevented. According to the exact cause of high creatinine and kidney pain, different medicines will be selected. It is different from dialysis, this kind of treatment do not have pain for patients and no side effects on them.

Is It Possible To Reduce High Creatinine Level 484 Without Dialysis
How Does Chinese Therapy Work For High Creatinine 10

Can Natural Therapy Help to Reduce High Serum Creatinine Level 7.3mg/dL

Protect residual kidney tissues

Kidney is responsible for excreting excessive creatinien in blood, so only when kidney tissues are protected effectively, can creatinine level be stopped from becoming much higher.

Repair injured kidney intrinsic cells

In a healthy kidney, there are tens and thousands of kidney intrinsic cells like glomerular epithelial cell and glomerular mesangial cell and so on. These kidney intrinsic cells play different role while kidneys function. When they are damaged and fail to function properly for some reasons, kidney function decreases. Therefore, repairing injured kidney intrinsic cells to strengthen kidney function is also an essential part. Generally speaking, when injured kidney intrinsic cells are repaired, kidney function increases. Under such a condition, excess creatinine in blood will be discharged successfully.

Healthy life style

Develop healthy living habits and avoid bad habits like drinking excess alcohol, smoking, staying up all the night and so on are also very important

The symptoms that accompany kidney pain such as back pain, abdominal pain, cloudy urine, bloody urine, frequent urination, urinary urgency, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, weight loss can all be relieved after taking this kind of treatment.

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