
How Can Dialysis Patients Deal with Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are the common complaints of Renal Failure patients, since they are tortured by these two symptoms for years or months. How to deal with these annoying signs is concerned by patients with kidney failure.

Nowadays, dialysis has been widely used to kidney failure patients, but patients often experience its adverse effects when they are doing dialysis. Vomiting is the most common one. Therefore, patients are wondering that how can dialysis patients deal with vomiting ?

Before finding treatments for nausea and vomiting, we’d better take a quick glance at why these symptoms appear.

Most of the patients with Renal Failure suffer from nausea and vomiting in the beginning but are regarded as some kind of gastrointestinal problems. This is because those symptoms are nonspecific and can be misdiagnosed by any other conditions.

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The toxins and harmful substances accumulate inside the body when their kidneys fail. Not just harmful substances, disordered metabolism, acidosis and electrolyte imbalance etc. all seriously affect the organs and tissues. Gastrointestinal tract is the major organ getting involved. fibrinous inflammation, gastric ulcer or bleeding may develop due to the complicated effects.

Dialysis is a way in which lots of toxins and wastes products would be eliminated out of body with the help of dialysis machine. To some extent, small size of toxic substances would be eliminated out of body, such as creatinine, water and urea. And then big size of substances would build up in your blood, like PTH and they will makes further damage to kidney. And then, it will get into gastrointestinal track system and would be broken down into ammonia by urease, and then, the ammonia will stimulate intestinal track system, making patients suffer from vomiting and nausea. Besides, patients also run high risk to suffer from anemia. And anemia is a condition in which sufficient blood and oxygen can not be delivered inside kidney. When your body can not get sufficient oxygen and blood, patients often run high risk to suffer from nausea and vomiting. Besides, simply dealing with vomiting on dialysis can not solve the problem at all. You are always suffering from vomiting when you are dialysis. In addition to, dialysis is just a replacement of kidney to excrete various toxins and wastes products out of body. Since dialysis can not repair the diseased kidney, kidney function keeps decreasing as you are on dialysis.

In order to help patients reduce the frequency of dialysis or even stop dialysis, many renal experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital worked together for many years and then developed a natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy. This treatment mainly works to improve kidney function by providing sufficient blood, oxygen and nutrition to the diseased kidney. If the damage on your kidney function is less than 50%, illness condition can be reversed and if the damage on your kidney function is more than 50% or 75%, we can not help you reverse kidney failure, but we can make the illness condition stable and help you live as long as you can.

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