
One Herbal Remedy For PKD And Kidney Stone

In our hospital, we use the Chinese medicine treatment to remedy the PKD and kidney stones at the same time without surgery. If you want to know more about it now, please contact with ONLINE DOCTOR or continue your reading.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the mainky treatment in our hospital to remedy the PKD with kidney stones, it is an external and herbal based treatment. Through external application on kidneys, the effective substances in osmotherapy can work on your kidney lesions directly, which can remedy your PKD from root.

The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts. Therefore, the cyst liquid can be reabsorbed and discharged out with blood circulation thus making the cysts shrink and decease.

The active ingredients of the Chinese medicine can also restrain the proliferation of renal epithelial cells until it stops secreting. Then it can stop the further growth of the cysts in your kidneys. More important, the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can also help repair your damaged kidney tissues and improve your kidney function from root. Besides, during the treatment, your kidney stones can also be dissolved and discharged into urine.

This kind of treament is a brand new invention for PKD and kidney stone which will help you avoid surgery directly.

PKD, polycystic kidney disease, is a genetic kidney disease, and there are numerous cysts formed on kidneys. The cysts can get enlarged over time, which can cause kidney damage. In addition, with the development of PKD, there can also be some severe complications, and kidney stone is a common one. Due to the kidney cysts, the urine flow is not smooth, so there will be deposits in the kidneys and cause stones. If the stones cant be removed effectively, it can also cause further kidney damage and worsen PKD.

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