
What Can I Do For High Creatinine Level 9 Without Dialysis

Creatinine 9 is severe kidney failure now, which means the damage on kidneys more than 75%, and the kidney function should be about 20% now. It requires timely treatment. Well then, what is the treatment for high creatinine level 9 without dialysis?

For this kind of patients, high blood pressure is common symptom, which need to discharge toxins in blood to alleviate pressure in blood vessels as soon as possible. Dialysis as one of the most common and best treatment for kidney failure, especially for patients with high creatinine, it always have great function for control illness condition. Creatinine level can be reduced in a few hours. While now people know more and more about dialysis, so that they do not want to take dialysis. Avoid dialysis has become into a very popular word for people with kidney disease, high creatinine now.

As a matter of fact, as long as patients with high creatinine level still have good urine output, that means there still have good kidney function exist. This has great help for repairing damage, restoring kidney function and avoiding dialysis.

For western medicine, it aims to control the symptoms which can not stop kidney disease progressing. So if we want to treat this condition from the root, what we need to do is to improve renal function. To save kidneys, in our center point, we always use Traditional Chinese Medicine to expand blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation, decreasing inflammatory reaction and degrading extracellular matrixes. You can leave a message below or email to chinakidneytherapy@gmail.com and we will try our best to help you.

For Chinese medicine, there are several kinds of therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotheapy, Foot Bath, Moxibustion, Acupuncture, Mai-Kang Composition, Enema Therapy, and some other Traditional Chinese Medicines, etc. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural herbal therapy applied externally on acupoints and all the Chinese herbal medicines used are definitely nature made. It is a kind of innovative therapy summarized from the treatment practice of kidney disease. The core technology of this therapy is the micronization of effective herbals in treating kidney disease with the effective ingredients. Then the effective medicine will be permeated into the renal lesions by external application with the action of effective penetrating agent and osmosis equipment. The medicine will arrive to the renal lesions directly and achieve the purpose of treating the kidney disease effectively. It could also improve blood circulation and immunity.

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