
What is the Solution for High Creatinine Level 752umol/L, Swelling Legs, Shortness Of Breath

Patients in stage of Uremia are easily to have lots of severe symptoms. Swelling legs, high creatinine level and shortness of breath can bring risk for patients. For that, we have solution.

One year ago, he found there was swelling in his legs. But he did not pay attention to that. He still drank. The next day, his swelling legs became severe. At this condition, he went to hospital for a checkup. The medical reports showed that his serum creatinine level was 800umol/L. He had been in uremia stage.
Even if his creatinine level was too high, he did not take any treatment. He did not go to hospital until he cannot breathe.

In Brunei, doctor told him there is no other option for his disease except for dialysis so he began dialysis. However, his breath problem did not be improved. In order to have a new choice for the his treatment, he came to China.

The creatinine level after dialysis is 752umol/L. Kidney function cannot be recovered in a short time. With Chinese Medicines, his symptoms like difficult in breath and swelling in legs can be relieved quickly.

A week later, his creatinine level 752umol/L is reduced to 587umol/L. Although there is some improvement of his kidney function, it is not enough. He still needs to take medicine at home to consolidate the curative effects. At the same time, our doctors will give special attention to his condition regularly.

Chinese medicine treatment is the mainly treatment for him over here. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath Therapy, Mai Kang Mixture and other effective treatments have been used for his treatment.

In a healthy kidney, there are tens and thousands of kidney intrinsic cells like glomerular epithelial cell and glomerular mesangial cell and so on. These kidney intrinsic cells play different role while kidneys function. When they are damaged and fail to function properly for some reasons, kidney function decreases.
Therefore, repairing injured kidney intrinsic cells to strengthen kidney function is also an essential part. Generally speaking, when injured kidney intrinsic cells are repaired, kidney function increases. Under such a condition, excess creatinine in blood will be discharged successfully. Therefore, repairing injured kidney cells is very important for kidney disease patients to effectively lower their creatinine level.

If you want are interested in our treatments for uremia which can help you avoid kidney transplant, you can send your specific illness condition to the following contact information. We will replay you with the best answer in 24 hours.

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