
Benefits of Medicated Foot Bath On Kidney Patients

Winter weather is so cold, if every night can be connected to a pot of hot water bubble feet can be a great pleasure. Kidney disease patients often feet are more beneficial to the body, both Xiefan, but also conducive to sleep. However, the foot bath is not the feet soaked in hot water on the end of everything, and scientific Foot Bath method can play an effect. Come and learn with me

Time to pay attention, at nine o'clock the most kidney

We all know that foot bath is good, but there are a lot of people do not know, at different times of foot bath on the role of the organs of the body are not the same. Think of the effect of kidney and kidney have to choose in the kidney when the blood is weak - 9 pm. At this point the feet will increase the body heat, promote blood circulation, relaxation, regulation of the day tired of the kidneys, bringing comfort and ease, help to improve sleep quality.

Water temperature requirements, not too high too low

Foot duration will generally be longer, the water temperature overheating may lead to low-temperature burns, too cool it will not achieve the desired effect. The optimum water temperature is between 2 ° C and 4 ° C above the body temperature, between about 38 ° C and 42 ° C. If it is an ordinary tub, it is recommended 42 ° C water temperature, to prevent the water temperature dropped too fast; conditions, you can choose a deep basin or a thermostat foot tub, can play a better role in the insulation.

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Effect to confirm, meridian through to be considered good

The purpose of foot bath is active blood, bones, so how to achieve good results? That is sweating. Feel the back or forehead slightly sweating, it is proved that the meridians have been up and down through, you can end foot bath work;

Duration is very important, too long is too short is useless

Although the foot bath on kidney disease and other conditions such as joint pain, insomnia, cough and asthma are all good, but not the longer the longer the more effective bubble. A lot of people like to soak when the bubble in the water so cool, and some will continue to add as the figure of hot water, soak for more than an hour, this is the wrong foot bath method. Feet really can not leave, but too far, everyone's physical and disease conditions are different, according to their own to control the appropriate length of time, generally limited to 30 minutes is appropriate. Blind pursuit of time is not good for health.

Foot bath four "not"

In addition, the feet there are several "unfavorable" approach: the elderly feet should not be too long for young people, better within 20 minutes; women menstrual complex, feet should not be free to use traditional Chinese medicine grinding foot bath powder; Foot bath, easy to increase the burden on the stomach; suffering from a variety of serious bleeding and renal failure, heart failure, myocardial infarction and other patients, should not foot bath.

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