
Can Creatinine 8.28 with Kidney Failure Be Recovered with Chinese Medicine

How does Chinese Medicine reduce high creatinine level 8.28? In a very general terms, high creatinine level is commonly seen in Kidney Failure patients. Additionally, patients with creatinine level are bound to experience various poisoning symptoms and complications. However, dialysis does not reduce high creatinine level effectively and they still have chances to suffer from it once they stop dialysis. Nowadays, more and more patients are wondering that can creatinine 8.28 with kidney failure be recovered with Chinese medicine ?

On one hand, some Chinese herbal medicines can be directly used to lower high creatinine levels by promoting intestinal detoxification, such as Chinese rhubarb, ligusticum wallichii, turnjujube, flower of kudzuvine, barbados and some Chinese patent drugs like Niao duqing, Shen shuaining, etc.

In China, lots of natural treatments have been developed based on Chinese medicine, including Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath and Foot Bath.

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In case of kidney failure, there are lots of toxins and wastes products building up in your blood, besides, the toxins and wastes products not only makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also affects the efficiency of kidney treating medications. Thereby, before taking treatments to reduce high creatinine level, various toxins should be eliminated out of body completely, so that a health internal environment is provided to make the illness condition repaired. Toxins-Removing Treatment is often used to eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body completely. And then Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated Bath, Foot Bath are used to make the diseased kidney repaired and recover kidney function by dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, degrading extracellular matrix in blood. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is such a treatment which is based on Chinese herbal medicines, but used externally. Two bags filled with Chinese herbal medicines are put under the lower back of patients, with the help of osmosis device, after permeating into skin, the active materials of Chinese herbal medicines can directly act on damaged kidneys, which can not only improve the efficiency of Chinese herbal medicines, also avoid the damage to gastrointestinal tract. Foreign patients say it likes massage, very comfortable.

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