
Cold Develops To Uremia In One Week

Kidney disease is called "silent killer", even if it was injured, you may have no feeling. You often see in the news, a person due to loss of appetite, anemia, or fatigue, fatigue to seek medical treatment, but found to have uremia! Women's cold week is not good, actually found uremia.

The young girl got uremia

Uremia - sounds terrible and seems very far away from their own, but there is a young girl, because of a cold, a week later went to the hospital even check out uremia!

Xiaoqing did not seriously cold did not go to hospital for examination, can be a week after the cold not only did not have a good cold. Colleagues asked: Xiaoqing said these days feeling of systemic edema, decreased urine output, and even breathing are some difficulties. To the hospital, was diagnosed with uremia, and associated with heart failure, renal hypertension and other symptoms. The doctor immediately arranged for her hemodialysis treatment.

Unexpectedly, even a small cold can lead to such a serious complication. Xiaoqing and his family were shocked! In the end how is it? Uremia gradually younger age trend, and because of the occult kidney disease, many people have been to the hospital for treatment is renal insufficiency and even uremia.

Cold can cause uremia?

Colds, especially the common cold, in people's minds do not seriously. "Not that stuffy nose, flow of water, nose, dizziness, throat a little pain you," that eat a few quick capsules or colds to eat cold, not a few days just fine.

Indeed, the cold itself does not directly lead to nephritis, uremia, but the cold is very easy to induce immune dysfunction, if not long-term inhibition, "chaos" of the human immune system will be normal kidney tissue as a diseased tissue attack, Treatment is not timely development of chronic kidney disease, it is easy to eventually develop into uremia. There are "confusion" to eat cold medicine, can also cause acute renal failure.

If it is repeated cold, it will cause the body immune dysfunction, the body will produce a lot of toxins, which require the kidneys to clear, occasional clearance is not much impact, but if the cold is repeated, it will accumulate large amounts of toxins Kidney, kidney damage blood vessels, leading to inflammatory cell infiltration and promote the formation of a series of factors causing renal toxicity. Over time, there will be renal fibrosis, and then there will be development of nephritis.

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