
Does Creatinine Level 7.1 in Kidney Failure Must Undergo Dialysis

Does High Creatinine Level 7.1 in Kidney Failure must undergo Kidney Dialysis? As
a matter of fact, if you have less or no severe symptoms, you had better do not take dialysis. Otherwise, it is suggested at once. Frankly speaking, it does not mean dialysis is the only choice.

When kidneys fail to discharge creatinine, they can not discharge other toxins as well. This is the reason why high creatinine level means there are lots of toxins in patient’s blood. Creatinine level helps to decide whether dialysis should be started by kidney failure patients, but not everyone with creatinine level higher than 5 needs to start dialysis immediately. Creatinine is just one of the toxins in the blood, and we can not make decision only according to creatinine level. In reality, for kidney failure patients, even though their creatinine level has increased to 5, as long as they have no serious complications like nausea, vomit, itching skin and hear failure, they can live without dialysis.

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In China, Chinese Medicine Treatments are widely used to treat various diseases, including Kidney Disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a great innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has more than 2,000 years of history. It is a perfect combination of advanced modern technology and TCM so that improve medication effects. This therapy can be an alternative of dialysis. With the help of osmotic device, active substances of medicine can be permeated into kidney through skin and blood. Gradually, kidney damage can be repaired and kidney function improved to some extent. Renal Failure patients with creatinine 7.1 have the chance of avoiding dialysis.

Different people have different opinions toward this topic and kidney failure patients have their own right to decide when they will start dialysis. If you have a very high creatinine and no serious complications, you can live without dialysis, but once your toxins in the blood brings you discomforts like itching skin, nausea and vomit and so on, please start dialysis as early as possible, because these symptoms indicate toxins in tour blood is affecting your other internal organs.

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