
Kidney fond of warm kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang Reminder: Summer is the golden period of treatment of kidney disease

we are looking forward to the next few rain Chongqi heat, can be treated in Shijiazhuang nephropathy Hospital, Mr. Lee, but hope that the temperature can be higher again. The original, as a very small amount of perspiration uremic patients, hot weather, more sweating treatment is very good.
Shi Wei, president of the hospital, the traditional Chinese medicine, "winter disease summer rule" concept has become increasingly well known, for many diseases, the summer is not to be missed a great opportunity for treatment, kidney disease is no exception. "Kidney on the warmth of the cold, so a lot of kidney disease is 'winter disease'."

The so-called San Futie, is based on traditional Chinese medicine, "winter disease summer rule" theory, combined with acupuncture, meridians and traditional Chinese medicine to Chinese medicine directly posted on acupuncture points to achieve warm lung cold, cough and asthma, phlegm Sanjie, clear the meridians, Kidney-strengthening, regulate lung function of the human body and enhance immune function. According to Chinese medicine, "spring and summer Yang Yang," the theory, as well as "emergency treatment is the standard, slow the root causes of" the principle of treatment, the disease in summer when the slow, it is a good time to cure their fundamental.

"From the dialectical view of traditional Chinese medicine, a lot of kidney disease, such as chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, etc., belong to the actual situation is mixed, the virtual standard real disease." Shi Wei introduced, the use of standard means of treatment of some cold kidney disease, Kidney disease, to maximize the Qufeng dispelling cold, tonic fitness, comprehensive adjustment of the body's yin and yang balance, received a multiplier effect of treatment.

Shi Wei said: "winter yang cold coagulation, turbidity and internal resistance, easy to cold, blood pressure, low temperature to shrink the skin pores, resulting in toxins difficult to discharge, induced nephropathy recurrent disease.Many patients in winter, a significant rise in creatinine, There are many patients is accelerated in the worsening disease in winter.

Chinese medicine believes that the summer dog season, is the nature and the body when the most vigorous yang, just "Yang Yang" to dispel cold evil, promoting blood circulation network. At this point the patient is not easy cold, blood pressure stability, skin pores open, easy detoxification, creatinine is not easy to rise. Supplemented by Xin Wen go channeling, through the meridians of drugs, Wen Yang Li gas, dispel the evil within the evil, Warming spleen and kidney, in enhancing the ability of the body to resist pathogens, but also help dispel the chill of evil, so as to achieve treatment or prevention "Winter disease" purposes.

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"It is also because the summer yang rise of the body, meridian accessible, plenty of blood, resistance is relatively high, the body's various organs and organs, self-repair capacity is also at the best level of the year, kidney patients a year In the most stable condition when. "Shi Wei said.

Therefore, a variety of external symptoms of renal disease also relatively light, resulting in many patients with kidney disease often feel "good", thus underestimating their condition, that their condition is stable in no hurry to strengthen treatment in the summer, or even relax The idea of ​​continuing treatment, which missed the summer of the best time to treat chronic kidney disease.

Shi Wei reminded the majority of patients with kidney disease, to seize the favorable opportunity for the treatment of chronic kidney disease in summer, and for the autumn and winter reserve yang, so that the body yang enough to the winter solstice is not easy to be cold injury, thereby reducing kidney damage caused by inherent cells Factors, a fundamental reduction in the possibility of kidney disease.

At the same time, Shi Wei also said, "San Futie" is not a panacea, can not cure all diseases, not everyone applies only to cold physical, especially in winter prone to colds, cough and other respiratory diseases crowd.

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