
What Chinese Herbal Medicine Can Regulate Creatinine

High Creatinine Level is a dangerous sign for Kidney Disease patients. Nowadays, increasing patients are interested in Chinese Herbal Medicine to treat Kidney Diseases. However, what Chinese Herbal Medicine can regulate Creatinine Level?

The following article will introduce some herbal medicines for high creatinine.

Chinese rhubarb

Chinese rhubarb is a traditional Chinese herb and has been used to treat a variety of conditions.This herb can help clear blood stasis, promote blood circulation and increase the excretion of toxins from body. By increasing blood flow to kidneys, it can help relieve renal ischemia and anoxia.

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Cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis can regulate immune system and control inflammatory response in kidneys. So it can delay kidney disease progression, improve renal function and reduce the damage caused by toxins in body to kidneys. It is one of commonly used herbal medicines for high creatinine.


Salvia is one of common herbal medicines for high creatinine. Some researches show that it can increase the rate f which creatinine is filtered and evacuated from the body. It also can enhance the circulation to the kidneys as well.

Foot Bath Therapy

Foot Bath Therapy is just such a treatment that focuses on improving the blood circulation in feet, so as to spread to the whole body. It has a good auxiliary effect on treating a variety of diseases. Hot foot bath can help improve blood circulation, regulate blood pressure, relieve fatigue, and increase immune system.

Oral Chinese Medicine Therapy

It is based on Special Immune Examinations and our experts’ special Four Diagnostic Methods of TCM, choosing Chinese herbs which have functions of activating blood and dissolving stasis, then make them into capsule as oral taking medicine, so as to detoxify the toxic pathogens in Heart, lung, spleen, stomach, liver and twelve meridians of the body and improve patient’s immunity.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

This therapy is an external application treatment based on TCM. With the rapid development, we create Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy combine with advanced technology. Through several years of clinical application, it has been proven to be effective in treating kidney disease. It aims to repair damaged kidney tissues and cells and improve kidney functions through dilating blood vessels, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degradation and providing necessary nutrients to kidney.

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