
Available Therapy for ESRD Patients with Dialysis

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is when the kidneys are no longer able to work properly and timely for day to day life. ESRD will cause many symptoms appear such as itchy and dry skin, loss of appetite, nausea, sleep problems and edema as well as other body’s symptoms. Urgent treatment is needed. Compared with conservative treatment like dialysis and kidney transplant and medications, is there advanced alternative treatment for ESRD patients?

When the condition develops ESRD, the last and the most severe stage of kidney diseases, most patients put their hopes on kidney transplant, they regard it as their last hope. However, it is not easy to receive a kidney transplant, during the long wait for a donor, some ESRD patients begin to look for other treatments, of course including natural treatment for ESRD. As a matter of fact, if ESRD patients are so lucky that can receive a successful kidney transplant, their lives can be prolonged and the quality of life can be improved to some extent. Do you know What Is The Life Expectancy after a Successful Kidney Transplant? While the natural treatment for ESRD in China says kidney transplant will not be the last choice for ESRD patients until the total kidney function is lost.

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The root cause of skin problem for patients with ESRD is mainly kidney function declining. Thereby, repairing the diseased cells and kidney and improving kidney function is the most fundamental way to solve the ESRD.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients a treatment to deal with all of symptoms and complications, which is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. The Chinese herbs contained in this therapy should be refined into powder and then collected into two medicated bags which is put on patients’ low back area. With the help of osmotic machine, the active substances can promote blood circulation, promote the excretion of toxic substances and wastes products, repair the diseased cells and kidney tissues, improve their normal kidney function. The application of Chinese herbal medicines is regarded as the safe and efficient natural treatment for ESRD. This natural treatment for ESRD includes the application of western medicines such as steroid drugs or immunosuppressive agents, but compared with the common treatment for ESRD, the application of Chinese herbal medicines becomes the biggest difference. We also need to use the advanced blood purification techniques like plasma exchange, blood perfusion, immune adsorption, hemofiltration and etc to eliminate various of toxins in the body and create a clean inner environment, after that, the Chinese herbal medicines will be used. Through anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, expanding blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys, the kidney damage can be repaired and kidney function can be enhanced gradually, which is the final purpose of application of Chinese herbal medicines. Kidney transplant is likely to be avoided as long as the kidney function can be enhanced. Of course the treatment effect varies from case to case, it depends on the specific condition of ESRD patients. We will be here dealing with your any follow-up questions about this natural treatment for ESRD.

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