
Can Stem Cell Therapy Help to Reverse the Damaged Kidney

With various factors, kidney function is damaged easily, as a result, your life expectancy would be affected directly. Additionally, dialysis and kidney transplant can not help patient heal the damaged kidney fundamentally, therefore, they are wondering that can Stem Cell Therapy help to heal the diseased kidney.

Stem cell therapy refers to stem cells go to damaged areas and regenerate new cells and tissues in an appropriate condition. In recent years, this therapy has been used widely to treat respiratory diseases, cerebropathy, blood disease, liver diseases, etc. For kidney disease patients, stem cell therapy shows a quite potential effect on repairing damaged kidney inherent cells and rebuilding kidney normal structure.

In one sterile environment, a lot of stem cells are injected to patients' body. Then, they can go to damaged kidneys to differentiate into kidney inherent cells. For example, if glomerular epithelial cells are damaged, stem cells will differentiate into this kind of cells.

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Once these new cells can play their work normally, it means kidney disease is treated fundamentally. Generally speaking, kidney disease patients may get the following benefits from this therapy:

- Repair damaged kidney cells and regenerate new cells
- Rebuild immune system through inhibiting the proliferation of T cells and immune reactions
- Improve kidney function largely
- Alleviate complications such as high creatinine level and hypertension
- Prevent the relapse of kidney disease
- Delay or even avoid dialysis

What is more, Toxins-Removing Treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Acupuncture Therapy are used to help patients have a health internal environment.

Toxins-Removing Treatment is to eliminate various toxins and wastes products out of body completely, because the deposition of toxins and wastes products not only makes further damage to kidney cells and tissues, but also affects the efficiency of kidney treating medications. After various toxins and wastes products eliminated out of body completely, the diseased cells and tissues would have a clear environment to have self recovery. The natural treatments, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath are used to help the kidney recover kidney function by extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, regulating blood pressure, delivering sufficient blood, oxygen and nutrition into kidney directly.

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