
Chinese Medicine for Kidney Failure Stage 3 Patients

In stage 3 kidney disease, kidneys are damaged moderately with GFR ranging from 30~59 ml/min. As kidney function declines wastes products build up in body, it can lead to a series of symptoms. In this stage, if aggressive and timely treatment is taken, it can stop the disease from developing into next stage. Here Chinese remedy is recommended to treat stage 3 kidney disease.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is a specialized hospital, which has treated thousands of kidney patients from more than 140 countries by the end of 2016. Its characteristic treatment is Chinese Medicine.

In treating stage 3 Kidney Disease, not a single Chinese remedy is used, but a series of treatment methods is used. It mainly includes Chinese herbal medicine, mediated bath and acupuncture. These treatments work altogether to bring a better treatment effect.

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Based on the patients illness condition, different types of herbs are chosen. Traditionally, Chinese herbal medicine is oral. A kind of external therapy of herbal medicine is introduced named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy can act on kidney area directly and medicines will be penetrated into kidney lesions through the channels on back. It can dilate renal arteries and improve blood circulation in kidneys. Meanwhile, it can activate the self-replication of DNA of impaired kidney tissues and cells to restore the impaired kidney structure.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is not a simple herb, but a medical procedure in which a variety of Chinese herbs are used externally to improve the state of the kidneys. Compared to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it can work more efficiently and quickly. More importantly, it does not cause any inconvenience and throughout the treatment process, which patients have to do is to lie on the bed for 40 minutes to achieve the functions of anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, anti-thrombosis and increasing the blood vessels.

Foot Bath Therapy is to immerse your feet into the diluted medicated soup. The active ingredients can come into your body by pores and the waste in your body can also be discharged via those pores.

The above treatment can set up a good blood environment for kidney self-healing. After a period of treatment, the damaged kidneys can be repaired effectively and kidney function is improved.

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