
How to Prevent Kidney from Further Damage with GFR 34

I am 69 years old & have Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 with GFR 34%. How to prevent my kidneys from further damage? I want to know more details about Toxin-Removing Therapy for Kidney Disease.

GFR, short for Glomerular Filtration Rate, is an important index in measuring how well your kidneys are functioning. In clinic, chronic kidney disease is divided into 5 stages and GFR 34 means stage 3. Actually, stage 3 kidney disease is further divided into two parts: Stage 3A CKD (GFR 45-59) and Stage 3B CKD (GFR 30-44). Hence, to be more accurate, GFR 34 indicates patients are in Stage 3B Kidney Disease.

With such low GFR, patients usually experience some symptoms like elevated blood pressure, foamy urine, frequent urination at night, back pain, edema or swelling, protein in urine, anemia, etc. In such a case, if patients take no treatments, GFR will keep decreasing. As a result, Kidney Failure occur.

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How to prevent kidney from further damage with GFR 34?

Now that toxins accumulate in the body, which affect the medication effect you take. The proper method should eliminate these harmful substances first. In this way, it can provide clean internal environment for kidney cells self healing and create good condition for the further medication.

Thus Toxin-Removing Therapy can help achieve the goal.

This therapy is a systemic treatment that is created on the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath Therapy, etc. Through these treatments, they can eliminate toxins from the body and can also repair damaged kidney tissues and cells as well as improve kidney function. Through a period of time, damaged kidney can be repaired and kidney function improved. GFR 34 will be increased naturally.

In a word, the correct treatment should cleanse blood and repair damaged kidney tissues simultaneously. Toxin-Removing Therapy can achieve the two requirements. If you want to have a try and protect kidney function from decline, you can leave message below or consult ONLINE DOCTOR for free.

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