
Should I Start Dialysis with Creatinine 6.2 and GFR 10%

Both High Creatinine Level and GFR are the standards of Kidney Dialysis. In Kidney Failure, majority patients will be suggested take dialysis. For High Creatinine Level 6.2 and GFR 10%, should patients start dialysis?

However, many patients do not want to begin dialysis for fear of developing dependence on it or can not afford the cost of maintenance dialysis. If ESRD patients with GFR of 10 or less want to prolong life without dialysis, it is recommended that a dietitian should be consulted to design a proper diet plan according to the patients’ illness conditions. Ketosteril and proper diets can much slow down illness progression, protect kidney functions and reduce strain to the kidneys, liver and heart.

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Frankly speaking, when patients are in kidney failure or GFR less than 15% or creatinine level higher than 501mg/dl, they will be asked to take dialysis. However, not all patients can take dialysis or must take dialysis. The illness condition of patients is different from case to case. If you have no serious symptom or complication, such as hyperkalemia, you have no necessity to take dialysis despite you have creatinine 6.2 and GFR 10%. On the contrary, if you have some severe symptoms, you should take dialysis timely.

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Immunotherapy is a more natural and conservative treatment for renal failure. It is the combination of Chinese and Western therapies. It aims at repairing damaged renal tissues so as to restore lost kidney functions little by little.

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Besides renal failure, cardiovascular complications and other comorbid diseases should be prevented and treated timely and properly so as to greatly reduce the risk factors that can cause death for ESRD patients.

Patients with end stage renal disease need an all-sided medical treatments, home remedies, modification of diets, exercises and life style to help alleviate discomforts, improve life quality and prolong life expectancy.

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