
How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Improve GFR 35

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a test used to measure how much blood is filtered by kidneys each minute.The normal results of GFR range between 90~120ml/min. When the kidneys are not working properly, GFR will decrease.When GFR decrease to 35, can it be improved with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

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What does GFR 35 mean?

Frankly speaking, GFR is the best level to value our kidney function condition to ensure the stage of kidney disease. According to GFR, Kidney Disease can be divided into five stages, while GFR 35 means you are in stage 3 Kidney Disease which in a moderate stage. In this stage, it can be reversed as long as you take timely and effective treatment. Of course, as for the symptoms caused by kidney disease, some patients may ignore them so that delay the illness condition leading to develop into stage 4 Renal Failure or the End Stage Renal Disease.
Therefore,to improve GFR 35 with Chinese medicine,the primary treatment goal is to restore the impaired nephrons.

Introduction of Immunotherapy

How to improve GFR 35?

Based on the causes of Kidney Disease, kidney damage degree, associated complications,a variety of Chinese medicines are prescribed like rheum officinale,astragalus,Cordyceps sinensis etc. Different medicines play the different roles in treating kidney disease.

Traditional Chinese medicines (TCM)

Firstly, Chinese medicine can increase the excretion of wastes in body through other channels like skin, intestine. Therefore, it can reduce workload on kidneys and reduce the incidence of complications as well as reduce renal function deterioration.

Secondly, Chinese medicine can activate the self-regeneration of impaired nephrons. When the kidneys can work better to filter blood, GFR will be improved significantly.

As a matter of fact, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help patients stimulate their kidney tissues and then improve the self-healing ability so that improve kidney function gradually through dilating blood vessels, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degradation and providing nutrients and oxygen to kidney. When impaired kidney tissues are repaired, GFR will be improved correspondingly. What is more, this therapy differs from traditional treatments, which is an external application therapy without discomfort.

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